
Update: Heard husband snoring through monitor, totally crashed out with baby in the rocking chair. Texted him, Wake up! When he tried to get baby into crib, wailing commenced. We retired JJ for the night. I crawled into bed to spoon with toddler. Sweet bawk bawk cuddly charming parenthood is a gift and all that crap.

YES! Half of my family lives in the Ozarks and I love visiting them because it’s like being in the deep south, but way more convenient and less scary. Still: sweet tea, poisonous snakes, taking the final “g” off “-ing” words, etc.

Ugh. I went through this... I knew my friend’s scumbag boyfriend to be a racist, sexist asshole. It blew my mind that she didn’t pick up on it. I acutely felt, however, that if I tried to be candid with her she would choose the relationship with him over my. She was so crazy in love and eager to be married, I don’t

Oh Spike, with all due respect for your many political and cinematic accomplishments: shut the fuck up.

My currect version of hell: (Okay that’s hyperbole...) BUT, I just got my baby/toddler to sleep, and my husband and I managed to get about 15 minutes into episode 6 of Jessica Jones before teething baby woke up and started wailing. Now husband’s up in the nursery trying to rock the baby back out, and I’m in the