
I've been chalking it up to risk aversion on the part of the studios.

Me too! I walk through a mulchy place to park where I volunteer every week, and I see all sorts of weird fungi. I take a photo if I have a charged phone on me. A couple of weeks ago, it was a clathrus ruber. Shall we start the DWC?

Heinz chili sauce has the same ingredients as ketchup, but more sugar.

Say Amen if you agree.

I desperately want that "regulators! let's dance" poster. Somebody help!

She doesn't really look very good with this intense makeup on. I figured it was part of her corporate costume. Its awkwardness shows that she's not very experienced with her new fancy life. At Allsafe, she seemed not to wear makeup at all. (Or just clearly cheap and unskilled makeup - I can't remember.) Her whole

First episode was atrocious, but the second kept my attention.

I'm sure at least once somebody will absent-mindedly take a sip of sand, if anyone ever puts this into practice.

I'm kind of torn on it. Most of the jokes are kind of stale but they pull it off, somehow.

Jurassic Parking is just horrible here! You'd think they'd hire a valet!

Why ask why?

I wish she had engaged in some sleeping her way to the top.  Doing damage control with that would be way more fun than just being assigned to the sexistest unit in the city.