He is. Would bang. Repeatedly.
He is. Would bang. Repeatedly.
The Koh-i-noor was owned by the Sikh Royal family, the Duleep Singhs. It was given - albeit under duress - by Maharajah Runjeet Singh to the British representatives as part of the Treaty of Lahore. Which was in turn taken from Shah Sooja-ool-moolk, the rule of Kabul. So if anyone has a claim, as strong as the Indian…
Yep, that’s why no man ever has been raped, no drugs have ever been used to limit people’s ability to fight back, and rape is solely a thing that occurs in a dark alley when a tiny defenseless woman is attacked by a big strong man!
Yeah, Disney usually ruins everything, but at least the bloodshed will stop.
Or the Mexican churro cartels.
Oh I agree! Akkadian is such a rich tonal language. I enjoyed making thematic links between linguistic tone, word choice, and action. For example, readers of any English translation may miss the sex scene in the dream sequence, but in the Akkadian original, strategically placed grunts give the sex act away—and how!
Oh god, no, don’t read the translation. The editorialize a lot for an English-speaking audience, and you miss all the cultural nuances.
I don’t know a lot about Haiti, but the little I do know I like to blame on Hillary Clinton.
It is intersectional. And yet, invisible, I tell you!
And it might be nice to return the Hopewell Native American artifacts to Ohio.
It's kind of sad how people can't see how they are intertwined.
And the Elgin Marbles to Greece, while they are at it.
If you wish to view a fine variety of examples of treasures that were taken from a plethora of different peoples against their will, you can visit almost any large museum in Britain.
See: The Elgin Marbles. OOPS, I mean “The Parthenon Sculptures.”
No, no, no. Those sapphires and diamonds were originally unearthed by well-paid adults working in cooperative mines in Bath and Nottingham.
The fact that they place embargos on treasures leaving the country is ironic given how GB got some of the treasures that they display. Oh well.
Perhaps the Elgin Marbles as well.