This is a reality show that you should be pitching to TLC.
This is a reality show that you should be pitching to TLC.
I know Hon, it’s just the phrasing that reminded me off the story 😊
I had a doctor tell me not to push, I screamed, “I don’t under stand what your saying” and push anyway.
Did you have a sense of humor at that moment? I feel like my ability to see the funny would be impaired, but maybe it would be distracting in a good way?
When I was having my first (and I was dumb enough to think that the feeling of a baby head battering ram was just the epidural’s “contractions-but-no-pain”), I kept pulling back on them when they'd hit because my husband had run off to find the nurse about my shivering. I cannot fucking fathom someone doing that TO ME…
There are things that happens that you would think “I will never let my child!” But today my six year old poured his soda on me. Like just tipped the bottle over my shoulder and I’m soaked and the couch is soaked and I dropped my coffee and screamed “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” I never imagined things like that would…
Ok, print that comment and stick in a frame and come back to us in five years.
I once out of curiosity drank left over wine from a glass my parents had left out from the night before. I’m fine. Her kids will be fine. Not cleaning up after one party is not a big deal.
Friend of mine was telling me that the first time he ever had alcohol he was probably 5 and it was at a family gathering at a…
Good luck. You’ll see soon enough.
I call bullshit. PTA members who do most of the work NEED help with the so-called “menial” shit. Also, if you can’t go to any PTA meetings in the evening, ever, but you show up and criticize how things are done, there’s nothing “mean girl” (stupid sexist-assed term) about the people who did all the preliminary work…
I think you might not be getting that part of the joke is that the things expected of moms are super petty and stupid. So rebelling from them looks super petty and stupid. No, it’s not that big a deal to buy sugary cereal for your kids or not bake from scratch or drop them off late to school sometimes. But society…
I distrust people who “hate Disney” intensely.
I guess I just don’t understand why this WYTS article has words, and isn’t just this:
Most of my English (I live in Germany) and French teachers weren’t native speakers. The native English speakers so far were American, Sri Lankan, British-Australian and Indian. Sometimes my mix of different vocabulary or slang is a hot mess, but I lean towards the British variety.
True story. I applied for a job teaching Math. I made it through the initial round to the first interview, and then never heard back. I found out they hired a guy who had a Masters in *Mathematics.* I have a background and a degree in teaching English. I cannot believe this kind of discrimination still happens to…
No biggie. We’ve played sub-pac 12 level defense for years. We just don’t have to pay Weddle now.
I played softball for 15 years and I didn’t know about much of this history, so it’s pretty fascinating to read about it. Gah, I miss playing.
Ali Larter sighting! And who is the model with her? She was in so many teen magazine fashion spreads.
That is hilarious and awesome and I'm glad it's not for the other thing!!
She’s adorable! My 7 year old’s hair is nuts— thick, coarse, and stick straight.