Side note, $30 for a fucking pie that costs maybe $5 to make is a goddamn travesty.
Side note, $30 for a fucking pie that costs maybe $5 to make is a goddamn travesty.
I read the Order of Sartorial Splendor almost every day - they do great tiara write-ups, but also a lot of very good royals coverage. I don’t know why I find it so fascinating...I’m both in love with seeing a good tiara event, but also disgusted by the amount of wealth that seems to be hoarded by royal families.
Scalia is more of a threat to the oft-cited American way of life than any outside forces, and I am not saying this with any sense of hyperbole. How he was ever put on the Supreme Court is baffling to me.
Is this considered #adulting?
I find this strangely fascinating and delightful.
I’m 34 years old and went to an event tonight with many marketing types and I felt like I was 1100 years old and then I also remembered that some of these people didn’t know who Winnie Cooper was and then I died a little more on the inside.
I should start a service wherein I let people borrow my two kids for a day or so for a dry run. I get a day off from #adulting (SWIDT) and the childless get a hands on lesson in REAL adulthood.
This isn't even the worst of it.
What in the ever-loving fuck is avocado pudding?
Electric corkscrew. Makes wine-adjacent adulting so much easier.
I just needed to tell you that I love your username.
I love you too.
Thank you. I can only assume you are as well.
Thanks for saying what I was thinking.
Catch 22 is one of my favorite books of all time. I re-read it often as a reminder of the absurdity of everything.
He was actually Major Major Major Major.
Can we just fire Congress?