Starbuck's Mom

I assume because his crime is relatively minor for such a very long sentence.

The rate of recidivism in the US is astonishingly high. And the rate of famous white people who kill people with their cars while drunk but don’t get jail time or any significant legal ramifications are almost more so.

Imagine if this dude:

After reading this, the word flaunt no longer has meaning. It is now a weird and foreign word that looks bizarre and I can't handle it.

For some reason, I find post-presidency/old age Bush the First to be rather amusing and soothing. He jumps out of planes and wears striped socks in his wheelchair! Also, he probably knows some serious shit on basically everyone in the country from his time at the CIA. He’s kind of a closet badass. Despite, you know,

That nightshirt is $68. I can sleep naked for a lot less, and spend that $68 on booze.

I really want to like this article intensely because I want to punch everyone who says anything to me about Mercury being in retrograde and how it’s ruining their day. But I’m also kicking ass at fantasy football this year, and feel like you may be a little harsh. (Last year me in last place would 100% agree with your

30,000 voters in my city, and there were around 4,000 cast yesterday. Embarrassing.

I have officially gone off the rails, and absolutely must learn all about her web of lies.

How can anyone think that the person who says this is worth even a first glance, let alone a vote?????

I implore someone to write one in iambic pentameter.

Avoiding spoilers on Sunday nights from the east coast is hard enough. Two days of it has been torture.

I cannot tell if she’s a glutton for punishment, lives in a fantasy world, or just really really likes attention. All her articles are clickbait.

Her writing, and shit. Which maybe aren’t all that different from each other.

Based on the hyperbole in her articles, I would assume that there was some truth stretching occurring.

What in the actual fuck is this garbage?!