Starbuck's Mom

The entire article is fascinating when looking at it from the perspective of this current story. Especially when you consider that the wedding article was written about 18 months ago.

Kids in the plural is definitely a ?? Her article history is rather interesting, and like you, I feel much less sympathy for her after reading them all. And at her age, she should really know better than to blame a dumb 20 year old for this kind of situation.

Invest in Instagram. And Twitter.

My kids asked me if it’s Christmas time now that Halloween is over and I almost disowned them.

My 20 year old self did so many stupid things - I am so glad I did them when I was 20 so I could learn from them and apply them to adulthood.

You know what true love REALLY is? It’s me, not watching the Walking Dead on Sunday because my partner was in Spain, and he isn’t back yet and I STILL haven’t watched it.

Your head voice is correct.

I found another article she did about his ex wife, no mention of the other daughter? But it was about how the ex was a nightmare. I wonder if she ever sent shit.

He definitely sounds like a peach.

The point, you see, wise padawan.

One day, the mystery that is Twitter will reveal itself to me. Until then, I’ll just flounder around hopelessly.

*Translated from the original Wookiee

Yeah, now I feel compelled to question the validity of this entire story.

Interesting. In the comments of that article, she notes:

Is that the same husband or a new ex husband?

I hope it was in haiku form.

I need to know what it said NOW.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

I enjoyed this article very much (and I read it, I promise. I didn’t even scroll past that one paragraph). I, too, am a voracious reader of comments. And when you wade past obvious trolling and people who never bothered to read the original piece, you really do get to some interesting and thoughtful criticism, praise,