
Three problems with your comment:

Of course it's not surprising that some people are offended by them (because there are a lot of stupid people after all). However, I said that I couldn't fathom how they are offensive towards gay people.
Seriously, do you even English?

Not at all. She didn't mention Irene, she mentioned the "gay jokes". I can't fathom how they are offensive towards gay people (especially if written by a GAY GUY).

Dude do you even html

Sherlock's version is all about showing Irene how lesser she is.

Comparing the cancer that is TBBT with the brilliance of Sherlock is so ridiculous that it makes me feel a bit sorry for you.

She is clearly attracted to both genders. She split up a married couple by having an affair with both of them… when she says "gay" she means that she likes women, not that she doesn't like men. In the show it's clear that she is attracted to men, ergo not gay.

Of course they can. And it doesn't make it offensive…

I'm offended by gay jokes on shows that don't have any queer characters. I'm offended by things that make me out to be less than a complete

Well someone sure likes talking about what she knows very little of.

If only sexuality was so simple as your homosexual and straight labels. Educate yourself on the Kinsey scale and then actually watch Sherlock to find out that Irene was not a lesbian, but she was attracted to both genders (like most people are).

It's not wrong to WANT that. However, it's wrong to find the lack of LGBT representation offensive. Stop being offended at everything that isn't a mirror of yourself.

What are you talking about? I'm not the one with a complaint… @atassathelionheart:disqus is. And if the co-creator of Sherlock is gay that only proves that her complaints are ridiculous.

And that makes it right?

So you're basically saying that you dislike "Sherlock" because no one is gay and you like "Elementary" because it includes gay characters.
Isn't it the same as a straight person disliking a show because everyone in it is gay?

What makes "Sherlock" ultimately better than "Elementary" is exactly the fact that it has smaller seasons, long movie-like episodes, better quality, and it's centered on both Sherlock and Watson (both of them, not merely Sherlock). "Elementary" is entertaining, but "Sherlock" is brilliant. The chemistry between both