Same! Michael Che’s stand up special on Netflix was hilarious...
Same! Michael Che’s stand up special on Netflix was hilarious...
Dave Chapelle came out with a talking point awhile back that black comedians are pretty consistently asked to wear dresses for comedy. So maybe we should look at why our idea of comedy is always using this to emasculate them? Just maybe.
I’m not saying that men dressing up as women for a laugh isn’t just as common amongst other ethnic groups. Whether that’s true or not is beside the point though. Many in the black community interpret Hollywood’s desire with seeing black actors dress as women as a pattern of emasculating the black man. My point is…
Dave Chappelle didn’t seem quite “all there” in his infamous Oprah interview, but he had a killer line of thought about how every black comedian in a movie gets forced into a dress.
Seriously. I loved Taran Killam. So underrated.
I wasn’t as surprised about them firing Jay Pharoah because of the reasons he gave above, but I still don’t understand why they got rid of Taran Killam - he is just such a natural comedian and to me he was the most talented guy they’ve had in a long time. I don’t love most of the new cast - especially Melissa…
Those guys are THE WORST.
They traded in Jay Pharoah and Taran Killam, both of whom were amazing, for two of the most generic white dudes imaginable—and those two white dudes are now in every single sketch.
It’s really well written. It nails the way people actually speak. I get that’s cool to hate on anything that was nominated for an Oscar (other than Moonlight, that gets a pass) but Lonergan is a pretty great writer.
I love Ethan Hawke so much.
Excuse me, that muumuu/hospital gown with lace is unacceptable.
That’s sister to sister shit. Maybe you need a sibling (or a sister) to get that, but it’s not abusive. When you grow up as tight-knit as they are you are closer than best friends. Lastly in that one little “meme” weren’t they like early 20s? A lot of people are shitty in their early 20s. Guess who they’re…
Thank you for your response. Honestly. I don’t doubt I’m out of touch on things like the Kardashians. I’m open to being educated and your response was informative.
I care. The world is a text and the Kardashians reflect the interests of contemporary society. I think contemporary culture is interesting and has everything to do with politics, the economy, and social issues. This is part of it.
They actually have an episode about this involving Kris.
I don’t care what anyone says, I love Kim Kardashian. I have probably seen like 5 episodes of her show and much of what I know about her is from sites like these, but I really think she is hilarious and a cool person. She’s been around forever and honestly no one seems to ever have anything truly bad to say about her.…
I know people who know Jennifer. She is not a mean person. Thanks for playing, though.
If they’re supposed to be selling clothes they are failing because I can’t tell what any of those clothes are supposed to look like when they’re on except the orange top.