“Do you even hop hop?” hahaha.. love your “I die” response too
“Do you even hop hop?” hahaha.. love your “I die” response too
Is it really a beef though, or a massacre? I liked that Ariana song but haven’t liked anything of Nikki’s in years. She took off time for her bf on house arrest (and apparently for a butt replacement, haha). I don’t need to hear from her again to be honest.
I love that you broke it down. Just listening doesn’t give it even this impact! Azelia Banks, who is certifiably insane, somehow made perfect sense when dissing Nikki - so satisfying. Now someone finally said it in rap, something Nikki is not even that great at — she’s great at posing, stuffing her odd body into…
Thanks - hadn’t heard that.
Don’t care, to be honest.
And I think neither one are wrong - we had different reactions to the same sequence of events. He came off as a dickhead to me (and others I know watching it, and others online). Not to you. It’s called being human and having a different judgement.
The phrase is actually “bated breath”. When I presented (not accepted) an Oscar I did read the CARD before skipping a name and reading a movie. :)
It was a matter of seconds - they were definitely doing “something” about it. Producers were shooing people offstage, the HOST had come onstage to do exactly this. It wasn’t his job.
Yeah, the Jezebel girls. Other sites have people who also thought he was quite rude. Look at Questlovle’s Twitter/Instagram. Etc.
No, Kimmel said “can’t they keep the award” AFTER the Moonlight people were hugging and about to come on stage. Mr. Aggressive didn’t give anyone else a chance to do the job - much less a producer who had come on stage, Jimmy who had come on stage, or the last speaker..?
I’d like an article about the offensive way Justin Timberlake pronounces the word “zone”
Well I agree with you completely. Out of the 4.25 hour long show, he made me laugh about 1.5 times.. his monologue/lines were predictable, surface crap with a weird and rushed delivery. Candy was cute the first (and only) time. The tourists were hilariously NOT surprised at all with their phones poised and ready.
Uhhhhh FG and PF were not overrated in any way. Although I am a huge Tarantino-as-director fan and my husband’s favorite movie of all time is Forrest Gump.
No, “they” weren’t. The quiet folks who slipped offstage were classy, yes. Not all.
Except he DID basically spit into the microphone. He wasn’t even speaking (much less the last to speak!) - he ran over and started yelling. He obviously wasn’t angry at Moonlight but at the Academy and tried to save it with “I’m happy to give my award to the Moonlight team” while nodding toward the audience, asking…
Mel Gibson was awesome. Those who spoke of him on the red carpet made it sound like he’s wonderful to work for, too. A few Jewish comments whilst being a drunk alcoholic (since sobered and reformed) don’t ruin it for me, shouldn’t for you either.
What is this in reference to?
Emma had her envelope the entire time. So there were 2 printed. HMMMM...
Totally disagree (and agree with the writer). Horowitz was ridiculous and childish - basically yelling into the microphone as if he was elected to do the job (he spoke 1st and the 3rd guy was up there). He yanked the card out of Warren’s hand who was trying to provide it.
Maybe he was, but he’s sober and reformed now. Everyone makes mistakes.