Mr. Monogamy

God forbid she was unable to get child care so brought her along rather than leaving her on her own? Dammed if you do, dammed if you dont...


I want to slap everyone who is questioning why the child was out that late with her mother. If the mother went to someone’s house to do hair, what is the problem with her bringing her child with her? If she is a single mother, what else is she supposed to do? Fucking people.

Some neighbors in the area, Local Memphis writes, are wondering why the young girl was out so late at night with her mother

This GiF brought to you by io9 commentor CatoUticensis:

CRIED CRIED CRIED when Jon and Sansa ran to each other. It was so satisfying and bittersweet.

The only people I’ve ever met who have been anti-vax are highly educated, very wealthy people who live in a bubble of their own making. One of them is a kinda-friend of my mom’s who’s three adult children have never been vaccinated for *anything* and she uses their non-autistic aliveness to prove that she made the

This. My father (from whom I am estranged) is an anti-vaxxer because he says he poured over all of the (bogus) “science” of it. He’s very well-read on pure bullshit.

Calling it Snctm makes it sound like that lame fucking sex club Tom Cruise donned a mask for in Eyes Wide Shut. I guess I’m old-fashioned because I want my sex theatre to be called RamRod or TightHoles or something. I want vowels and exciting rectal metaphors.

Ford is the worst for this - they pop up in a show and completely take me out of the plot with their insistence on being the focal point. I’ve basically sworn never to buy a Ford because of it (which, as far as taking a stand goes, is admittedly pretty lame).


I once had to go to the principal’s office because I fed my Tomogatchi during math class and it beeped. Worth it. I’m a good e-mom. Like i’d let me child sit in its poo and not eat. Ms. Kay you never understood that did you? did. you.

I was prime age for them. I was in middle school. I totally didn’t have the patience or passion to keep mine alive very long. I just wanted to carry one around because they were that fucking cool.

The idea of some poor assistant needing to crouch down to hide behind the bushes while the famous people are photographed is simultaneously hilarious and depressing.

I feel like the lack of nipple is also something people don’t realize. I too could have had a fifth surgery to “make” a nipple out of something but it didn’t make sense for me. Most mastectomies for actual cancer leave you without a nipple, which the media does not portray.

omg I can’t handle this, they are just too presh

