Mr. Monogamy

Yeah. I use Target - they're on the cheaper end. That's a really great idea asking them to run the brand through my insurance. I'm due for another refill in about 3 weeks so I definitely will. I'm also going to start harassing United and maybe get my doctor to write a note, which seems silly, but...

I have United Healthcare too and get charged for my generic version of Seasonale... I need to start fighting, because that stuff is NOT cheap...

I was a tween (11, 12?) and hanging out with my neighbor’s son, who was 3 years older than I was. We were sitting on a rock, overlooking his family’s farmland, when he grabbed my hand and placed it on his denim crotch. I’m not sure now as I the this if it was more about him desiring his hand on my crotch or him

Gladiator sandals are the worst. I have big feet and huge calves - my ankles need to shine as the one dainty-ish feature of my lower half.

When I was in the 6th grade I was heavily into the Baby Sitters Club series, and I decided I wanted Mary Anne's amazing makeover - her exact makeover. The only thing my poor hairdresser in rural West Virginia had to go with were the illustrations in the book. Mary Anne's short cut looked more delicate and feminine

I lost my virginity at the ripe age of 26 to a BMX rider. The sex was outstandingly amazing. Every time. And he loved giving oral sex. However, he was a walking mountain of red flags: 26 years old and divorced with two kids and one on the way. No job, no phone (I had to text his BMX friends to hook up), and no car. So

I had a smoothie that I loved to make in the morning: a handful of spinach, a banana, an orange, some ice cubes, and some coconut water. It looks as green as green can be, but tasted like a banana/orange treat!

I had a friend in college who dreamed of owning a cat and a dog named Chairman Meow and Karl Barx. We were all history majors. I hope his dreams come true one day.

The bad grammar ("your" instead of "you're," etc.), on top of the small penises and the words looking like they were drawn in MS Paint take the sad/pathetic-ness of these dudes up to a whole other level. Genius!!