
What a dumbass.

This is about the most outrageous display of cunty immaturity and lack of professionalism I’ve witnessed... That girl would have been out on her ass immediately had she been working for me. Unbelievable.


Seriously..... after the first time dude.

THAT is genius.

Jesus fucking Christ. I shudder to think.

God I STILL LOVE Fairuza Balk.

Depp-shit is fucking lucky they're affording him the ability to get the dogs out. They could have confiscated/euthanized them immediately.

Meh. You never know... You'd be surprised at how much time some people are capable of spending alone without going nuts. It happens.

I don't think we're shocked so much as appalled that rape is, you know... rape, whether it occurs inside or outside prison walls, and the inmates who are committing these felonies are getting away with it. If you reported a rape outside prison walls and had DNA to prove who your attacker was, he'd be going to...

I'm SORRY, but if the state decides to take you and keep you in it's custody, they have assumed 10000% responsibility for protecting your life and limb.


But wait... does she pull the "I won't be around forever, and then you'll see what you're missing."

I was removed from my mom at 6wks old by CPS, adopted by another asshole woman, ran away from home at 17 due to physical abuse, and haven't spoken to the lot of em since.

Of course not.

Understood, but they are just SO counterintuitive it's not funny.

Exactly. I live in the original Fisher Price town, and back in the 70s-90s, a ton of the kids who modeled the packaging and/or TV spots were employees' children or other family members... it was a hell of a lot less of a 'cute' factor than a very specific personality type, especially for infants/toddlers, that they

I think it's bullshit most of the time when stage moms say it.. mostly because of the sheer amount of cash they've invested.

Alcoholism is a fucking bitch. Says someone with 20 years experience denying she had a problem to the world...

This is fucking infuriating... we are straight-up PROVING that this works!!!