
Terrifyingly, I actually would not be shocked.

butt....... wait... now im 'fused.

Also, I think the most poignant thing he's said thus far (on multiple occasions now) is simply "LGBT rights are not on my agenda".... which is one of the most OFFENSIVE and downright belittling things he could have stated publicly about his own fucking taxpayers.

This is perhaps the most humorous and spectacular case of backpedaling out of the GOPT in recent memory...

Welcome to 'Murica. The min wage in NY just went to 8.75 and if I didn't make double that, I wouldn't have a prayer of surviving as a single mother of one with our tax rates.

Yeah fuck that.

I don't know why people don't know this, and maybe it's because I am a former addict who hung out deep in the hood for a few years buying drugs (I'm a white chick, by the way)

That's exactly what my first thought was... the day I would ever want to subject myself or others to this visual torture is... never.


You know what boggles my mind most.. is that, last time I stayed in a Motel 6, I actually read the Google reviews due to my own neurotic paranoia and they were actually comforting..

.... cult.

Who said all Catholics are evil?

FUCK YOU, Catholic church.

Thank you... This argument absolutely boils my blood as a rape victim who never reported hers...

LOL... if that hideous-looking gob is something I should aspire to (and actually watching a video to instruct me to look similar)

What an excellent little 'physician'... perfect bedside manner, gentle, and very accurate.

WTF is the matter with you?


WTF is a track gang?!

I have to admit it was with great excitement and anticipation that I had this done.. I absolutely LOATHE condoms but I'm 39 and quite finished having rugrats... so this was supposed to be my magical cure for pregnancy...