
Mirena has not regulated me whatsoever :(

ive had one vaginal and two c sections...

Ugh.... which sucks.

This is the most fucked-up part of restricting acc

I predict.... fines and probation.

Jesus, this is EXACTLY us.

We fought it for 5 months.

This is me...

100,000... for committing to 50 days per year....

Heh.... Carts FULL of em.

Ain't that the worst part?

Heh... no more remanding them to the dark alley and the street corner with cardboard signs and empty hats upside down, eh?

Except that now... they take the value of your vehicles, believe it or not, into consideration during means testing for SNAP qualification.

I AM that person.

Amen. Totally agree.

You win today. Enough with the bullshit poor-shaming already. It's embarrassing to be an American with some semblance of compassion and humanity right now. Really.

The reservation here is 30 minutes away... a carton of Seneca cigarettes (not Marlboro, but so the fuck what if you're addicted to tobacco..) is $19.50 and I shit you not.

God fucking forbid one of them drive something other than a 1992 Ford Escort and have a smartphone.

Omg you win. For eternity.

This actually reminds me exactly of Pauly D's blowout (from the front at least...)