
A Spirit spokesperson told ABC News the cancellations are the result of a “perfect storm,” blaming weather, staffing shortages and crews reaching the hour limits in which they are legally able to fly.”

Bradley has never been wrong in his entire Jalopnik career dont ya know? I see it alot here in the comments. People bring up totally valid points, or show literal track instructors having issues with a car, and he totally ignores it.

Youre ignoring the fact they tested it against an A car not an S car. A fully spec’d one on top of that. So not only does an A car out perform Acuras top of the line, it has more features for the same price.

If Max loses the championship this year, it would be one of the worst losses for a driver in my memory.

This is one of those situations that ruins racing. The FIA even stated that AM cant argue that this didnt give them an unfair advantage, as thats not a reason to appeal... that should be the ENTIRE appeal.

Can we please ban auto playing audio ads? I have to see over 100 ads/page on this site already, the last thing i want is someone screaming at me as well.

Dont worry, anything that can be twisted negatively, they do that here when Tesla is in the conversation.

The Grand Tour is no worse or better than old Top Gear.

which is the functional equivalent of having a layover at JFK and then claiming you’ve been to New York City

I live 10 minutes away. I was coming home last night after the storm, got a nice video of someone stuck under a bridge with their box truck.

I live 10 minutes away from here.

The Sequoia has a 4.7 V8

This. Im not a clean freak (thats my girlfriend), but even i clean the house every week.

Increasing prices on gas would NOT benefit the poor what so ever...

High gas prices also effect the poor disproportionately.

My C5 Z06 gets mid 20s on the highway. My Toyota Sequoia gets 13.

So... in the same reply, youre saying how destructive a 5.56 is, and how its also too weak to kill an animal?

Same here in MA/CT.

Oh god shut the fuck up. dont be the “stick to sports” guy and ruin another site.

a GTI is a solid choice. A tune alone gives you noticeable gains, plus parts are easy to come by.