
This. Starlink needs to be a secondary option.

Counter to the counterpoint. Motorcycles should be the only form of transportation if were saying that commuting in a death trap is fine.

I mean, tbh, this happened almost a week ago, and this is the first im hearing about it. It seems as though cops killing kids is just normalized in the media, no matter the race. 

Yeah im definitely worried. Now i wont say “this is the worst thing ever!” since the modding community may solve alot of these issues (3D printing is becoming cheaper at scale, so 3D printing new dash kits may be a thing we can do soon for not very much money), but its still a fear. 

My Jeep of choice has always been the TJ. Ive had 3 actually, 2 manuals, one auto, all the straight 6.

I like the idea. We should use the military to help the country in their down time. 

What if the car is stolen? A plate check wont do anything. What if he abducted the children? I mean a child wearing a safety belt is parenting 101. Seeing a kid without one is going to raise questions, especially after being clocked at 100mph. So lets say cop does nothing, lets them flee, then it comes out a few days

So what youre saying is we need to start running ambulance companies through the Coast Guard 

The amount of terrible things i would do to see this thing race at Le Mans is just.... far, far too long. 

As a gun owner, i really cannot agree.

Im telling you right now, 9 times out of 10, there is a better chance of a shoot out hurting your family with bullets flying through walls, than trying to first escape the situation.

Most people outside of the US seem to think that the US is some 1800's wild west when it comes to guns, and for the majority, it just isnt.

Uh... thats literally the minimum in multiple states...Hell, if you commit a felony with a REGISTERED firearm in MA, its minimum 5 years. Strict possession of an unregistered firearm is 18 months minimum. Thats for like a rifle. If you have a sawed off shotgun or machine gun, MA will do up to life.

The whole un-registered gun and tying him to a hitch is the big issue here.

When i see “got what he deserved” i revert to the court system. The literal institution set up to give people what they deserve.

This story sucks on all levels

This is insane.

My issue isnt that. I dont splurge on stuff like that, i splurge on my vehicles.

I cant even save enough to take a 3 week vacation, let alone a 3 year one... even at my cushy engineering job... I guess its partially because i buy stupid vehicles more often than i buy underwear, but i digress.