
I think the fact that the African American woman here is instantly recognizable as FLOTUS and a Princeton/Harvard-educated BigLaw partner shines a new light on the absurdity that was school segregation. Also, given Michelle Obama's enormous success, the photo asks the viewer to ponder how many similarly able women

It rubs YOU the wrong way. You, Tea Partiers, some GOP members, and a lot of racists.

Pandering to WHOM and WHY would she need to pander? Her husband doesn't have another term, and this photo didn't seem planned at all. You're a cynical, self-centered asshole, is what you are.

It's not "mean" to suggest that if you're unable to recognize the poignancy of the photograph, you are exactly the person who needs to be confronted by it. If you're truly on the right side of this issue and exercising proper allyship, you would not be irritated by the photo.

Ever been to Arizona? With a deep tan?

Funny, you're the one who seems pissed off about it.

um. america still shits on non-whites esp. blacks. this image is very relevant

Did anyone really need to see the picture menu of the African American woman and the white woman standing below their respective signs?

Israel has a draft - and they draft women.

My family are Israeli-Arabs. Thanks for the laugh about living in peace. I'm guessing you've never been to an Arab village in Israel before. They are treated like third class citizens. But, that is nothing compared to what is happening in Gaza. These racist morons are joining the army too? I pray for Palestine.

The rhetoric may have changed slightly, but the conflict will continue until the U.S. stops supporting Israel at the U.N..

A little man slaps a big man in the face. The big man beats him to a bloody pulp with a crowbar, then beats up anyone standing near him, then complains to sympathetic bystanders about how much his face hurts now.

Weird, it's almost as though living in occupied territory and constantly suffering retaliatory overreaction strikes from your wealthy heavily militarized neighbor in reaction to a few assholes in your government shooting glorified fireworks at them will breed resentment somehow.

You need new friends

atheists don't do this type of shit.

In a million years I could never post this article on my Facebook page; I would be attacked as anti-Semitic and told that these pictures are fake and were made up by Hamas.

Her period came back after one piece of salmon? That's some fish.

And the USA is my backyard, which is why I singled them out for the shame of not standing with the majority of the planet which has recognized Palestine. (Like, say, China and Russia as well as almost all of Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Americas. Also, the UN, which counts Palestine as a non- member observing state

Well, I think that's the line her PR team is unwilling to cross, but yeah.

That's unfortunate. Support for Palestine is the first smart thing I've heard from Rihanna but, apparently, that's the line she's unwilling to cross.