
Since Saturday I have been completely dismissive and unwilling to speak with anyone who challenges me even in the slightest about any of this. I'm not sorry about it either.

Given that men are really good at doing jobs, I'm having trouble explaining why you're so bad at being a troll.

I guess he realized his "a woman's place is in the home" garbage was too transparent and boring for an effective troll.

I'm impressed that your coal mine has internet access!

How is it not self hating to feel you do not deserve equality?

Criticising someone's uniformed opinion is not the same as "treating her like trash." I could call you a drama queen for over reacting like that, but that would just be catty and mean...


Sandy B will forever be everyone's BFF 4 lyfe.

You know 20 years ago I would not have said yes without hesitations and very few women I know would have. Maybe it's a regional thing, maybe it's an age thing. I can't really say for sure but I'm in my late 30s in the south and very few women/girls I knew self-identified as feminists. That was something we came to

Absolutely not. Do you blame the LGBT movement for all the people out there who think gay rights activists want to indoctrinate kids into the "homosexual lifestyle," or anti-racist activists for the fact that there are a lot of people who believe that reverse racism is a legitimate concern? Yes, there are a lot of

Balance, schalance. When she realizes that the patriarchy no longer gives a shit about her or pay her as much as a dude, she might re-think this whole "balance" thing. There's no "balance" when your rights and desires are getting shit on.

I would like for Hollywood interviewers to start asking male stars if they are feminists.

if sexual assault is common at Sarah Lawrence and Occidental (super progressive liberal feminist schools) and the admin is not responding well, it is 100 times worse elsewhere. This is the tip of the iceberg. And I tip my hat to these brave students. They are making the world better for will just take

My alma mater is one of the "top tier" schools on the list, and although I am sure they deserve their placement, I wonder if more less-prominent schools deserve to be on the list but aren't. Well-educated, privileged victims of sexual assault may be in a better position to speak up and raise some hell until their

Butte-Glen Community College was all psyched for a second when someone told them that they, Harvard, Princeton and Dartmouth all made the same selective list of 55 schools in the country.

We need to recognize that the reason these schools are on the the list is not because sexual assault is a greater problem in their student body than at other schools, but because their students and professors are more out spoken advocates.

So interesting how this list shows every kind of college where this is a problem - we get everything from your community colleges to your PAC-10 to your "fancy-schmancy" Ivy leagues and everything in between. If anything, I think this list goes to reinforce the fact that rape is a problem in every segment and

It's deeply troubling that Sarah Lawrence is on this list.

Wow. A lot of top tier universities on that list. I know it's naive of me, but part of me always expected that places with such high academic standards would also have high standards for personal conduct.