
"Besides, are 'lunkheads' truly such an overwhelming problem at gyms? Like bridezillas, they seem to be more a cultural assumption than a thick-on-the-ground phenomenon."

Oh, I disagree sooo hard. I have worked out at a few gyms over the years, and to be honest, Planet Fitness was the only one that I felt safe going to

What is wrong with you? I'm not projecting my own insecurities; I'm talking about getting the actual literal side-eye. I've been fucking *sneered* at. So you can shove it up your ass.

What gym do you go to that doesn't have 'lunkheads'? Hell even my town's friendly tax subsidized rec center gym has those types congregating around the benches and dropping weights. My tubby butt is legit intimidated to ask them to stop doing curls in the squat rack so I can do some pathetic bar only squats.

considering I complained about the big beefy muscular guy strutting around in his SHOW YOUR TITS t-shirt at LA Fitness and was told, gee, sorry, we don't have a dress code so there's nothing we can do..... a little dress code would go a long way.

Well, obviously, since you never experienced it, it must not happen.

I don't "go hard." But I go. And my 30 minutes on the treadmill at 2.8 miles an hour make me feel better. And I don't want see a naked pregnant belly. At the gym or anywhere. Cover that shit up.

Sick of the PF whiners. Don't like it...join another gym. The pregnant chick thought the being pregnant gave her a pass to violate the dress code. Buy bigger chick—you're pregnant now. I'm a member and I don't have a problem with the dress code and I'm pretty fit. So it's not a gym for schlubs. It's what you make of

God bless Planet Fitness.

There's a dress code. She knew it and signed it when she became a member. She needs to get over it along with everyone else throwing a fit that she was being held to it.

And to be honest, I've seen the picture that accompanies this non-story most of the time. The clothes. The clothes that nobody had a problem with

Planet Fitness is not the place to go if you want to expose yourself. It is not just a dirt cheap gym it is the only gym I have ever been in that did not function like a meat market. I would pay "normal" gym prices to be in the non-intimidational atmosphere of this gym, and yes it is the gym I pay for and go to. I

I, for one, would prefer that people keep their sweaty bare midriffs off the exercise equipment. How hard is it to wear a damn shirt?

So much hate for the PF, but seriously it's not so bad. I kind of love the place, actually. Maybe it depends on the franchise you belong to but the one I go to is friendly, full but not crowded, clean, and absolutely not intimidating in any way. I'm a fat girl and was fully expecting hate at the gym but this place has

"who wants their food sitting out anywhere near other people's sweat?"

The free food is once a month. Pizza for two hours one Monday night a month and bagels for two hours on one Tuesday morning a month. It's not like a free food party all the time.

I'm sure shirtless dudes get asked to leave and cover up at planet fitness too so I don't really understand why Jezebel has such hate-on for planet fitness or why they feel this is in any way a feminist issue? Sure, they sound awful but they're also ten bucks a month and they clearly state they have a dress code so if

It is assumed in a formal setting you'll be eating slowly, so it is acceptable. It also hold an advantage in you don't have to keep two hands poised, holding utensils, like a mantis waiting to strike, while you simply chew on a piece of steak. I've mastered both, and which I use generally tends on how quickly I'm

It is a breach of the handbook for which you can be fired if you have a blog the management consider distasteful. That is a reasonable rule implemented at most companies.

Oh, you were an independent contractor so you feel their pain huh? Did you job tell you how to wash your dick, balls, and the crack of your ass? Did you job require you to do 30 UNPAID appearances? Did you job make you do those 30 unpaid appearances, 3 different camps for girls in 3 different cities, golf tournaments,

Yes, because without a detailed rulebook that helpfully explains how to wash your vagina and avoid "strong opinions" (mouthy chicks are such a drag!) dem bitches just irrationally explode over the most trivial things, like being told it's not okay to think or speak, jumping up and down in front of old men without pay,

with all the extra events and expenses required to maintain thier image, 1k a game doesn't even like a whole lot to me