Same here with the same Galaxy S II. My fingers are normal, even a little short.
Same here with the same Galaxy S II. My fingers are normal, even a little short.
30,00 cows is OK, right?
Oh, when Peta says "payback is hell" is wrong. But you can say that more than 30,000 cows being tortured is really cool?
Peta is "people for the ethical treatment of animals", they are not against eat chicken or eggs, but in a human way, not treat they like shit like 99% of time.
So Apple should be ashamed of " their" design too, right? Hello, Braun!
awful. just awful. MS knows the screen ARE small?
One mouse, two posts... great!
I got 3, all my co-workers have one too.
I see fanboys waiting in a line for the iCar. Apple will also sue Hyundai for that i10, i30 cars line.
Marriott Hotel, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro... Brazil.
I was wondering the same thing!
Ugly and boring. But at least he likes The Smiths.
cof cof fragmentation cof
DEXTER at 1' 57". The only TV series title sequence.
iDroid, AndroPad... whatever
And based on the official Facebook app for Android.
Everybody. ;-)
You should read Engadget: