
I agree, I have my personal account on T-mo, and business phones on Tmo and ATT, at most metro areas I have been to, Tmo actually has more consistent service when coverage is available. My average DL rate on the Tmo HSPDA+ is 3-5mbps, my ATT Blackberry Bolt 9700 squeaks by at an average of 1-2 mbps. ATT does

Philip.J.Fry, you, my friend (despite the mis-adventure of traveling to the future), obviously don't travel outside of the US and have a business need for a phone when outside of the US. With quad band GSM, one has the best possibility of having the same phone and get a local SIM card to take advantage of lower local

Ex-Googler, are you serious?!

But how much does it cost that Indie artist to host a website to sell his music to the entire world?

Because good search software if EFFing hard, and they pretty much nailed it, as well as mapping software, email software, Google Earth, google talk, etc. Compare to getting search right, getting a music service right is like comparing a marathon in the winter on a frozen river to an easy afternoon nap on a lazy

Well, I see we have to agree to diagree, because the industrial design of the iPhone 4 is the only thing going for me for that entire product line. Not enough for me to buy one, because the whole "we want to own your everything" approach by Apple, but at least it looks decent.

How about this for a must have feature for a music service? A music service that doesn't require a crappy piece of software just to transfer music from one device to another. Sure it's been done, but some popular music service couldn't even handle that first step, yet, plenty people stick around that service anyway.

Maybe, I am lucky it doesnt bother me enough, then again I have nothing again DLP display or projector either, sucks to be so sensitive though.

OK, there are hot girls and some sexy poses. But a beautiful video? Not so much in my opinion. Shockingly provocative? Maybe. Beautiful? No. Different? Yes. Better? Depends on your preference for softcore porn intermingled with music video.

I don't really care much about Ashtion or Kelso, but he doesn't have the responsibility to deal with 8 million fans just because he may haven gained from his twitter fan base. He decided he didn't want to deal with that any more, he could simply just use a PR manager without making a fuss. At least he felt for the

Dude, that's some serious pixel peeping, maybe you need to put down that magnifying glass when you read off your phone screen and keep your phone at a comfortable reading distance. That or save some of your smartphone upgrade moola and invest in some vision correction devices (better glasses?) so you don't have to

Yeah, we see the Wii is now competing well against the Xbox 360 or even playstation 3...When was the last time you got a game for Wii or if you even touched that thing in the past year.

I have never known Nokia to be able to match "high end phones" with cost of mid-range, and "mid range" with low end cost. I know them as matching mid-range phones (due to the subpar OS and under spec internal components) with high end cost, and low end phones with low end cost. Nokia knows how to squeeze long

Dude, typing "u" on the keyboard is a hell of a lot easier than remembering the ASCII code for "mu", it's not like you didn't know what's being talked about here.

Not likely going to happen, the cost of the device hardware is more than $100 from the looks of it, there isn't a assured software or consumable revenue stream to make back the loss on the hardware cost like in the case of Xbox-360, Playstation 3, ink-jet printers or razors. I don't think Nokia or Microsoft is

I am all against the ubiquitous convergence thing on personal gadgets, but combining a MP3 player with a cell phone just makes so much sense! The problem we have right now is battery, I am pretty sure if the battery technology these days allow you to run the phone as a phone for 30 days but if you use it as both a

There is no free launch, an suspended background app couldn't do as much as a true multi-tasking application in the background. For instance, if I get an email on Gmail on my android phone while I am on the browser, and the page is half way loaded while I switched out, I can switch to the Gmail app, finish reading

Check your device on status when you leave the GPS on, depends on your app, your battery use is definitely up. Let's say you use this CardCase app thing, you think the app will check to make sure you have a clear view of the sky before it hits your GPS chip for a location? It will have to blindly try, and suck up

Let's see you do that, and how up to date will your data be? The beauty of a large centralized service like Google is it can afford to update and improve their repository much better through the collective resource gathered from thousands and millions of their clients.

"Having to charge anyone, even the estimated 0.35 percent of users Google estimates, according to BBC, is an admission that its model for Maps is flawed, or at the very least doesn't have efficiency in scale."