
I actually feel like Lady GaGa has been able to pull off the weird stuff the majority of the time. But Miley... no.

You seem sad. I hope it gets better.

I am a month and a half out from an extremely violent rape perpetrated by a friend. I went to a wedding. I got tipsy. I asked to go home. I was bitten, beaten, raped and burnt instead. I’m 37. I wasn’t doing anything crazy to “earn” what happened. I can’t wait for a slut walk in my area. I’ll wear the long dress and

wish i could edit the comment with the chart. getting tons of “IT’S MONTHLY, YOU IDIOT” replies. plz no more.

It was a hell of an ill-advised email, but there are few people to like here.

Tracy, girl this is hella homophobic against bi and fluid people. Maybe you should sit in a nice chair with some tea and think about what you wrote, because it’s bad. Like really bad.

Articles like this really highlight how desperately Jezebel needs to hire an actual goddamn queer women writer.

It’s crap. I’ve read it. MRA/evolutionary psych/ nonsense.

Yes I agree and to say the article implies men are only 100% straight or gay but women are more bisexual is nonsense. Way to walk right into the fantasy of every straight guy. The guys in that study were lying. Men living in our macho society do more hiding of their real sexual orientation because of how our society

I agree. I simply said that women who try to present themselves in a way that men find attractive in order to attract a man are trying to attract a man. That’s pretty much what I got from this entire thing. The rest of it was “maybe this but also maybe the opposite”. This is the only fact I gleaned. Maybe it’s just

Attractiveness is not objective. People rate these women “attractive” because they adhere to a heteronormative ideal of femininity. It’s not the other way around, wherein innate attractiveness somehow causes innate heterosexuality, which is what people will assume when they speed-read these scientific studies. They

I’m just going to put this out there- I have been a feminist for thirty years, and this shit would now have flown back then either.

He doesn’t care about you the way you want him to. Or really at all. I assure you that when he meets the woman he thinks is THE ONE for him, he will communicate with her the way you want him to communicate with you.


acquitted on all counts because the kids (and his families) story had more holes in it than Swiss cheese.. but yeah pedophile it is because you said so.

Of course we need feminism. We need to fight serious issues like manspreading and sexist airconditioning.

Call the police! Call all the police! Call them now!


I went to a funeral for a teenager and the service sheet was written in Comic Sans.