
Molehills are not noted for their structural integrity.

Much like how some of my coworkers focus on YouTube personalities and streamers, I think it’s valuable to write about speedrunners. Stories about what gamers are doing help us understand the culture surrounding the media and surrounding specific games. 

This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?

They pretty much said so in their Reddit AMA recently. They also want to do another Alpha Protocol.

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

I hope he realizes that by admitting that a cat in a jetpack is a possible idea they are now obligated to include a cat in a jetpack.

You are definitely the only one.

The difference between something happening and something being threatened.

Can you break a hundred?

I’ll take pixar movie over some bland military shooter pretty much any day of the week.

It’d be more efficient to just masturbate at my desk and pass out for fifty-five minutes. Bonus: I’d save money on gas and it’s environmentally responsible.

Sure. Everyone has the right to be an asshole, but exercising that right still makes you an asshole.

Now no need to be so cynical. It’s just one small oversight.

Ok. That clip is awful. Belle seems so basic, who would give a shit about her? Why is she walking on people’s work surfaces? What is up with the editing? Why are we looking at the back of this guy’s head?

I am surprised you remember that. Dark times. The channel was almost banned due to that incident, but I have since recovered and the channel is doing better than ever. I have a ton of ideas for odd low end stuff to make videos of and the future is looking good!

Haha, this clip should be in the post.

I wanted to like these show so much. But two episodes of extremely boring later I realized it wasn’t going to happen.