
As Michael Harriot once informed us...

Reminds me more of Hereditary.

Hey, Nintendo actually put all of My deleted Maker 1 levels named pile of poo back up and told me it was due to mass reporting. Thanks for the speculation 

You’re right, they are absolutely batshit. What a batshit idea to not want to give over 4.5 billion dollars to ICE and DHS for the expansion of torture camps for kids. What an absolutely batshit notion that we can just throw billions upon billions at a campaign of xenophobia, but we have to cut our own services to

The centrist Democrats would literally rather watch the Earth burn than do something. 

He’s afraid someone’s going to tell his local grocery and they’ll stop selling him 5 pies/day. If that happens, he’ll have to try to become attractive to -women- and...well that’s unlikely. 

You mean the further you go back in art and culture, the more regressive and problematic the attitudes espoused often are? Fascinating. Have you considered giving a TED Talk about this new discovery you’ve made?

What kind of dark ages do you think 1999 were?

You’ve never seen a horror movie (or a Lifetime movie for that matter.) That’s the only way that comment makes sense.

I think saying that American Pie shows violating a woman by filming her without her knowledge as comically pathetic is an odd take on what actually happens in the film, super chief. The only reason it goes at all bad for Jim in terms of how other people in the movie think of him is because he gets involved and

It was never my takeaway that we were supposed to be celebrating this behavior, or to see it as anything other than comically pathetic.

When you’re not around, I bet ladies talk about how much of a nice guy you are and how they truly, deeply appreciate your respect for them.

Trust me when I tell you that unlike me literally every time I fly someplace in Outer Wilds, this game sticks the landing.

Compromise is not a dirty word. Compromise is what a democracy is all about”

I am so tired of Democrats and liberals spouting this complete nonsense.

Democracy for political parties is about creating a cohesive national agenda, campaigning for that agenda, and convincing the citizens to elect you so that you can enact

Fair enough!

bUt He’S tHe BeSt ChAnCe We HaVe To BeAt TrUmP!

FFS I hope the Democratic party succeeds in pulling it’s head out their collective ass so I don’t have to vote for this shitstain.

WhatsApp learned of the hack earlier this month, and as of Monday, is urging users to update the app as a precaution.

Nope, people high five me and hug me after movies because I have fun. No shame in having fun, better than sitting quiet and hating the world. You must be a fun person in real life.

Yeah, I can tip 20% while still advocating for a different business model and/or higher minimum wages at state and federal levels.

If you can’t afford to tip 20% then you can’t afford to eat out.