
Kala on the other hand…

He has really intense and spooky eyes. Really good actor, and for his size a very commanding screen presence.

This will be shit, but somehow still better than American Sniper.

Look at you, bragging about your lady entanglements. You must go and tell us all about it.

I haven't seen Babylon, but I plan to in the near future. For Rachel I think Kelly Macdonald or Samantha Morton would be great.

He did milk it for all it's worth.

She would blow it out of the fucking water.

Ben Mendelsohn is in this? Goddamit, now I have to watch this too. I watch too much television as it is.

A million yes on 2. And he was flawed and human and so real. And Freddie Fox did an amazing job and I hope to see him in many good things from now on, because he immersed himself in that character and made him so vibrant and alive. I don't get why bisexuality is so underrepresented, but Freddie was a breath of fresh

Did you like Melancholia (I presume it's the Lars von Trier film)? I love it, one of my favourite movies.

May all the gods of Vikings and ancient Greece be in your corner!

I rewatched There Will Be Blood and it was amazing, of course. Just an all around exceptional film. PTA has a canny eye for casting, his films are very good, but the actors launch them in the stratosphere. I remember at the time some people complained about Paul Dano's acting, but I think they were delusional, he was

Isn't that a great movie? One of Mike Leigh's best.

Oh, AVC recaps would be great! I would read the hell out of those if anyone from the staff scrolls through our comments here. Maybe they'll bring some new interpretations I missed to the table and more viewers. I remember one commenter said they'll probably cut the episodes short on Logo, I truly hope they won't do

Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I see some common themes and parallels between the corresponding episodes of Cucumber and Banana. The first episode is all about family and immaturity, episode 2 obsession and infatuation, episode 3 first love and its consequences, episode 4 the double edge of intimacy and

Yeah, well, that magnificent show was cut mercilessly in its infancy. Oh, the highs it could've reached. The most egregious cancellation in the history of cancellations. Not even The Borgias' or Deadwood's premature demise bothered me this much.

A lot of people have described eloquently the main issue of this movie/book, the abusive relationship it glorifies and because of that it should bomb hard.

I was not nearly as annoyed by Agustin as everybody else. It was clear he was lost in his own obsessions with his non-existent talent, but I did not actively hate him. They're assholes, him and Kevin, but that does not mean I cannot understand their assholery or that they are only that.

Yes, there are and they're absolutely wonderful. Catchy, silly names, right? Together with Looking they're some of the best shows airing now. Unfortunately, I don't think they're available in the US by legal means. But if you don't have ethic issues you can find them pretty easily.

Edit: Apparently Disqus logged me in with the Disqus account, not with the AvClub sanziana account. Eh, whatever works.