
Can we please chill it with all the references to the ME3 ending? Please? I'm so damn tired of hearing about it. You guys seem to sneak it in to everything and anything ME-related. Mini interview video with Samara's model? "What did you think of the ending?" Seriously? Come on, it's a cake. Just let me enjoy the cake.


Whenever people start talking about WoW I automatically tune them out. It's horrifically boring. I had to work the Lich King and Cataclysm midnight launches and it was the worst.

When did this become MTV?

I haven't seen anything about Gamestop employees resetting them. I came in to work today and saw Skylander-specific cardboard toppers (as in the title picture) with reset instructions printed on them. So I'm thinking it will be up to the buyer to reset them. We'll see; I'm not sure when my store is actually going to

I think the big difference in the way it's presented is in Amp you could tell when a track section was completed when it disappeared. In this it looks like it lights up when completed, and over times fades or the light-beam-thing narrows.

I have a feeling the same person who chose "Playstation Move Heroes" did this one as well... someone needs to be fired..

I still want Evil Obi Wan. :(

I keep hearing from my co-worker their deals are really good, even on new releases. I want to go eventually, but like you the closest one isn't really close, and I have no other reasons to drive to the area it's in.

That's usually the time it takes for someone to trade them in anyway, unless the game is particularly bad or short.

In the video he says you can play "all of the 3700+ songs", and looking at RB's official "song finder" they include RBN in the list, so I think it's safe to say they're supported.

I was talking with my friend a month or so ago about the prospect of another Amplitude-style game, and that it would be great on Vita. The pick-up-and-play style gameplay would work so well for the Vita, being a portable, and the expanded capacity offered by memory cards would go perfectly with HMX's DLC model.

This is one of those times I wish Kotaku had an upvote or +1 feature.

And Rock Band: Unplugged was in turn inspired by Frequency and Amplitude. So uh, yes they were. RB:U basically took their formula and applied it to the Rock Band model, changing certain things here or there. All the games are essentially the same gameplay concept with small changes. Besides, if you've played Frequency


Yyyup. The existing one has a silver paint finish, not a plastic chrome finish, and the buttons are monochrome.

Oh hey look, it's the same person who modeled the Gears Retro Lancer. They must have an even more insane haircut if they're not showing it off!

It's just marketing speak. Anyone who actually think the Gamecube is going to become a collectible just because of a sign from Gamestop is an idiot. (I have recently seen a fair share of idiots walking out of my store thinking their gross, crusty Gamecube will soon be worth a lot.)

I'm so excited for next month! I had to process about 50 Gamecube games the other day, including expanding the shelf space for them.

I like More Than A Feeling, but it's one of those songs where it repeats too often and goes on for too long. A lot of The Police songs have the same problem, which is why I don't really play this or The Police songs in Rock Band anymore.