THIS. It also kind of makes it seem like it's just a myth or story the grandfather made up for the kid. Either way it's incredibly stupid and I with I hadn't bothered waiting until the end of the credits.
THIS. It also kind of makes it seem like it's just a myth or story the grandfather made up for the kid. Either way it's incredibly stupid and I with I hadn't bothered waiting until the end of the credits.
Those Doraemon and "Shield & Sword" cosplays are pretty awesome!
That is some amazing footage. I think any of the Symphony of Science songs would be pretty appropriate too.
Maybe you should tweet this article to the @masseffect twitter account and see if their reply shows up in the app. Just don't break the universe.
What happened to the Kotaku Pointing Fish? And you know, not posting potentially NSFW pics as the main article photos? Come on, guys.
But you can do that already with these chocolate ones!
Ever since they found out they can call Scrabble "Words with Friends" and get away with it.
Agreed. I love my human sentinel with maxed out Throw. Recharge speed is 100%+. One of my friends plays an adept, and we biotic detonate everything. So much fun.
If you haven't started playing, yes. I beat the game and it's surprising how often spoilers aren't noted in the article title. :\
It's neat that the kid took the time to write this out and actually did some research. Too bad their arguments are flawed. And you know, Comic Sans. The default fonts are there for a reason, kid.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Fahey, but this is only a temporary solution. My friend has kids aged 5-11, and he still can't find an effective way of preventing them from destroying gaming stuff. I keep telling him to house everything in a massive gun locker when not in use, but he just laughs, like I'm telling…
Cool, I'll have to remember that for my next playthrough. The reason was totally that Tali was exiled. She won't be next time around!
Well, it is just a prototype.
I wish I could have, but wasn't able to 'cause I did or didn't kill the heretic geth in 2, which I guess was a major condition for saving both races. I ended up letting the geth die because I was pursuing a relationship with Tali. That was a pretty sad moment too, especially after playing through that geth…
That's why when I go back through all the games to do a renegade playthrough, I'm not going to let Wrex and Mordin die. Being pro-genophage from the start It'll be much much easier to kill Wrex in 1 and let Mordin die honorably in 2, so I don't have to feel guilty in 3.
Yeah. Even though I knew that at the time, the game was still able to provoke that kind of "oh shit, I screwed up!" reaction from me. That's what I meant. Probably should have made it a little clearer. ;)
I guess.. Maybe it's just me but I can't watch B/Z-grade movies. Everything from the look of the film (video) to the bad acting and bad sound.. I need good production value! /spoiled
The Genophage Cure mission is probably my favorite of the entire game. Losing Mordin was the worst feeling I felt during the game, maybe if I hadn't destroyed Maelon's research he wouldn't had to have died. But I also felt really proud of him, for sacrificing himself to save the Krogan. That "would have liked to…
I've always hated Udina. I still didn't care for him at the beginning of the game, but since he was helping to save humanity I kind of went into "I guess we'll put out differences aside" mode. But when I found out he was working with Cerberus to take over the Citadel? You bet I took that renegade-interrupt.
That was just all sorts of awful.