Saving the English language one comment at a time. To save you the trouble of pointing it out, I already know my previous sentence is a fragment. Thanks!
Saving the English language one comment at a time. To save you the trouble of pointing it out, I already know my previous sentence is a fragment. Thanks!
This begs the question: What is Jesse Eisenberg's real age?
I didn't get the last paragon/renegade convince options for the last scene with the Illusive Man. Did you have a full bar of Paragon points or something? I had about 90% Paragon 10% Renegade.
The thing I really didn't like is the post-credits scene (the one embedded in the article).
"Familiar background characters like the bum on Venice Beach and Officer Dick on the grounds of the School levels."
Oh, so that's what the "Getty Images" entry in the game credits was about. Huh.
When I first saw that "green square" tweet in my feed I had to do a double-take.
The only way I'm buying this is if they were able to re-license all the music. I'll pay for HD graphics, and manuals and stuff, as long as I can listen to the same songs I did when I first played the game. Otherwise, I have both 1&2 still, so I can just pop them right into my PS3.
I've been holding off on getting the original version since this one is coming out. That, and the game still holds a pretty high price for a PS2 game. Might as well pay a small difference and get more stuff!
Please please don't make me race those stupid light-cycles again! D:
Seems like there's a lot of cut-scene animation glitches all around. Lots of clipping. There's been a few times where character models are just invisible during cut-scenes, or right when they end. Not terribly problematic, but it'd be nice to see it patched.
I have a feeling it's official, because for the past two weeks Bioware's been showing ME3 trailers during The Walking Dead. I could be wrong, though.
The music was mixed too high and I couldn't understand half of what they were saying. I did hear that bad Tarantino quote "parody" though. If you guys post the first episode I'll give it a try, but my first impression is "eh, no thanks."
"Save the galaxy? But I'm right in the middle of fighting these ogres!"
The Mako exploration parts of the game were my favorite, next to the story interactions. They did a great job making me feel like I was exploring the galaxy. The views from the mountain-tops were pretty damn amazing.
Am I the only person who didn't like this movie?
Bioware raped and pillaged your town? D:
I thought they did a really good job with Kasumi, actually. The only difference between her and the on-disc characters was that you couldn't have a conversation with her in her ship's quarters. I'm finishing ME2 again and I have her as one of my main squad-mates, and she talks a lot more in combat and cutscenes than…
Zaeed and the Firewalker were the paywall for ME2, The Black Emporium was the paywall for DA2. Neither have multiplayer. The ME3 paywall is an online pass. If there were no multiplayer, From Ashes would have been it instead. That's the only difference, and I don't remember hearing more than a few angry peeps about the…
The Cerberus Network? Sure it did. I remember having to go through customer service to get it linked properly to my gamertag because I used different email addresses for my EA account and my Bioware account.