
It's an... electric mouse party.

I've been watching Ink Masters on Spike, and it makes me want to get a tattoo less and less. The tattoo artists on the show are supposed to be some of the best, yet there are a lot of bad tattoos on that show. I know the timed aspect of the challenges puts pressure on them, but still. If they can't make good straight

Wow, that box looks really flat and awful. Should have kept that third dimension, bro.

"Graphic designer, remove silly purple banner from my box art."

Have you never been to an anime convention? Women fucking love anime.

I can't wait to play this game. Probably going to wait to actually get a Vita until this game releases in the US. That's gotta be enough time to find a sale on the Vita memory cards, right?

I've only played the single-player part so far, but I agree about the A-button. It's hard sometimes to snap to cover unless you're facing just the right way, and a lot of the time I ended up rolling right into enemy fire instead. I don't understand why they couldn't put sprint as a left stick click, since so many

Very interested in the Reaper. I'd love one a specific Sovereign one even more. Or a high quality one of it and the Normandy together.

Yes, spread the Kerretta love!

I saw Kyuss Lives! when they were on tour last year. They were so great!

I love Q? games. I remember playing Meteos for hours and hours. Their incorporation of sound and music into their games is something I wish more developers would do.

That, and Ridley Scott was not given final cut. George Lucas was, and Star Wars was originally released in theaters with his approval.

Tim Schafer always makes the best faces. Great edit!

Love Olly Moss. I wish I had the money (and the timing) to have gotten his Star Wars posters. Those are amazing.

Yup, this is my new desktop background.

The lack of sound is a common problem with GS's demo units. Our Sony rep. said they'd have a fix for the sound once they come out with a new update for them.

That's what my district did for the 3DS pre-launch, because we didn't get the designated demo system in time. Ended up having to mark it down as a used system and lost a good $30-ish. Dumb DM.

I like physical controls more. It means I don't have to re-position my hold on the system when going between menus and playing the game. It's not a huge deal, just my preference. Plus, using the touchscreen just for the menu means I get to look at some fingerprints while playing the game. The screen is really nice,

From the demos I've played, I hope the full games don't have touch-only menu navigation. I doubt I'll want to play Uncharted with the touch controls. It was surprising when I couldn't select anything on the menu with the d-pad and buttons.

It's not like there's much room for an instruction booklet anyway; those cases are tiny. But that is a little disappointing to hear.