
I wonder if the publisher will allow people who bought the first printing to strip it and send it for a replacement.. Mass market paperbacks are pretty cheap to produce in the first place. I'm sure the appeased customers would be worth the cost to them.

Reprints and/or errata. The title was being cute because the book's based on a video game. Chill.

Nope. I lent my friend my non-slim xbox360 so we could play online for a few weeks while he waited to get the money to fix his. He changed his mind about fixing his and wanted to buy a new slim model instead, the Gears of War one. Well, it comes out and he doesn't have the money for it. He still has my old 360, and I

I'm with you there. The charts online that explain how it works are cool, but the movie itself was awful.

This is the best idea.

You've convinced me, Kirk. Caketaku must come back as a regular feature. I won't take no for an answer.

Wow, that's crazy. Stay safe!

I understand why they did it, but I don't like it.

I'm going to assume it doesn't snow much in Seattle, then? It started snowing tonight in MA and I think it will likely be piled up to around the same amount tomorrow morning. And I will still have to drive to class. :(

If you thought your kids left a ton of smudges on your windows before...

I have those too, and it's nice to see them as they were originally released. Too bad they used really awful versions of the prints. I caught bits of the BluRay versions when SpikeHD was airing them and the visual difference was astounding! It's really too bad Lucas is so stubborn about remastering the originals.

Finally something from George Lucas I'm pleased to hear.

I love me some Greg Anderson.

Yup, I remember playing it when I was in Japan too. It was the only rhythm game I bothered playing in Japan because other people were killing on Drummania and DDR and Pop n' Music and I didn't want to embarrass myself too much. D:

I know it likely won't happen. Just wishing, that's all. They wouldn't have to take out NPCs or anything like that. By merchants and auctions I meant the player-controlled ones.

"This unique single-player experience is satisfying enough that it's served as the basis for me recommending the game to other fans of the franchise. Even if you completely despise playing with other people you've still got eight excellent single-player BioWare role-playing games for the price of entry. You might only

Yes, I read the post.

I made a werewolf/transformation themed draft deck with my group when Innistrad first came out. It's a cool mechanic, so I'm glad there's more of it in store. I'll have to try and make the pre-release this time around.

Pre-order bonus. I ended up using mine to house my makeshift Bananagrams set made from Scrabble pieces.

It's because the Katamari games get a whole lot weirder than what's in this trailer. By contrast this trailer looks really toned down and straight-forward. Also it explains the general concept behind the games, which has been done about 4-ish times already by now.