Welcome to retail! Have fun and leave as soon as possible!
Welcome to retail! Have fun and leave as soon as possible!
(His name is... "Vector"?)
Someone forgot to put the "<" in front of "div". ;)
I'm hoping it/they will be more like Shale than Zaeed or that archer guy (I can't remember his name either!). At least Shale had some funny dialogue throughout the game. The other guys were really boring and I never kept them in my party after doing their missions.
I didn't say it should be exclusive period. I said at launch. It seems like they're advertising the extra character and mission as early DLC for CE buyers in order to sell more copies just like they did with Shale in DA:O, which turned out to be a lie. I actually hate when you have to fork over more money for…
Maybe this time the extra character and mission will be exclusive to the collector's edition at launch, like Shale was initially supposed to be with Dragon Age: Origins before EA decided to use it as their "Project $10" DLC.
Wow, I kind of want to hear this. But I also don't want to subject myself to seeing Twilight.. Hmm..
I'd love it to explore some of the things from "Do Androids.." that weren't in Blade Runner, like the empathy box, the electric animals, etc. (I know the owl was in the movie, but they never gave it any context.)
Yes, because I'm actually that callous and seriously don't feel for people losing their jobs because my game had a glitch.
I just ran into a bug in War in the North that prevents me from moving forward in the game at all, so forgive me if I don't feel too bad about this..
The Paragon/Renegade meter is just a line now? I know it's a small detail, but why do you need to change that, Bioware? It's always been separate curves. But yet you kept the super boring dual computer screen menu? Seriously?
Yeah, I think Super Mario 64 for DS dropped to $29.99 only a few months ago, and that was a DS launch title!
Hahaha, you're funny. It's Nintendo; of course there will be another revision (with the second thumbstick). This is exactly what they did with the Wii MotionPlus.
$25? If I ever get a second PS3 controller I'll most likely pick this up.
"Compatibility packs"
My question is why Gearbox even cares at this point? The design and tone were seriously dated, and it just wasn't that good of a game. Borderlands on the other hand is a great game and I can't wait until Borderlands 2 comes out so I can kill some more rakks and mutants with a gun that shoots lightning.
Almost done with LotR: War in the North. Once I finish it I'll probably end up buying all the ME2 DLC so I can actually play through it before ME3 hits.
I think Gloin and the awful Gimli impersonator show that Farin not having an accent was a good thing. Except for Belaram and Agandaur the voice acting is really awful.
I love Kotaku unboxings. Not because I'm excited about what's inside, but because they're usually quite entertaining.
I hope one day I can work for a company that cares enough about their employees to do stuff like that. Glad you can still do what you love with people you love, Mikey! Now finish Borderlands 2 already! ;)