"For the record, I thought the Lost series finale was superb."
"For the record, I thought the Lost series finale was superb."
It's an interesting idea, but ultimately when I'm playing a squad-based shooter I want my squad-mates to actually help me.
And the instruction pages! Whoever takes the step-by-step pictures must know they're choosing the least helpful view. And whoever photocopies it makes sure to put it on the lightest setting.. argh!
$650? Jeez. Can we get some good quality plastic and make it $50-$100 instead? And maybe use a different model gun?
Wow, keeping that much in the registers at one time and then transferring it all at once and in view of customers was a really stupid idea.
Ugh the B2G1 coupon. I make sure everyone knows to say "IT'S UNDER ACTIVE OFFERS!" D:
I didn't realize this was a "speakup" until clicking the headline. Damn :(
Whaaat? My Alistair was a whiny baby and later a drunk.
I only chat with friends. Otherwise I keep my mic muted. If people on my team (or in general in the lobbies) are being jackasses then I mute everyone.
Activision is a subsidiary of Activision/Blizzard, not the other way around. A/B is the parent company.
Maybe that's because he is? Straight from Activision/Blizzard's corporate site (link): "Director; President and Chief Executive Officer of Activision Blizzard."
I don't get why arcades would be too noisy for a Rock Band cabinet, considering when I was there I saw DDR, Beatmania, Drummania, and Pop N' Music all in the same tiny crowded area. Probably not the best environment for vocals, but otherwise.. :\
"It will also feature markerless AR tech that will allow gamers to enjoy AR tech without the need of cards like this."
Mmm, looks nice. I hope they're not bullshitting us and actually release some of these colors. (Or make a special-awesome Uncharted bundle color!)
True, you wouldn't have to use touch. But if I have the option to immediately open something via touch instead of scrolling through the XMB, I'm most likely going to prefer that. Also, XMB with touch controls would suck. It sucks with the Move.
If able, when you guys have more hands-on time could you describe/show how you start downloaded and cart-based games from the home menu? Thanks.
I don't have a link, but they've confirmed they're going to be making 3DS and WiiU SmashBros titles that will somehow connect with each other.
I'm an SGA and I still didn't read that in the mini-binder of surprisingly detailed instructions they sent us.
"A manager will be the only one that will inspect the product." Where did you hear that? It's the manager's final say to accept a trade, but that's only if something comes into question. Every employee is (supposed to be) trained to inspect and process trade-ins.
They are going to take jailbroken ones, because they can reset them at the refurbishing center.