Sanctimonious Former Football Fan

I’m sure Republicans really fucking care how money is being spent in public school systems.

You are crippled with fear.

Eww, quite edgy and reductive. Well done.

“so you might urinate, defecate, and possibly even ejaculate (but that’s rare). Now, that all might sound terribly uncomfortable and frightening,”

Let’s hear from all the armchair attorneys!!

Well, free-market economics requires protection of property rights, symmetry of information, movement of capital, etc. Hard to get to “perfect” - but you see innovation and productive growth where you see these things.

If you are confused, you did that to yourself.

No, not scared of freedoms or your pants-wetting fantasies. But yeah, “brutal hellscapes” have always formed around capitalism and not your communist fantasy.

Yeah freedom sucks. The free market sucks, free expression sucks, even physical freedom sucks!

I actually don’t give a shit about Saints fans. People who say “fan-base X is so classless” are usually walking piles of shit. The reason you think they are classless is probably because when they come to your city to support you act like a huge asshole, and then they say not-so-nice things to you and hurt your

This blatantly pro-union publication says otherwise. Sorry, your granny was probably a racist.

Innocent until proven guilty, bro

Also, antitrust is necessary for free market economics/capitalism, whereas unions layer another anticompetitive entity on top of an existing anticompetitive entity - thus it becomes a fight for outcomes rather than progress or ideals. With actual labor mobility and the existing tort/regulatory structures, unions

If Falcons fans are “low-rent,” Saints fans fall somewhere between child rapists and ISIS.

You became a Pats fan in 2001 at the earliest you frontrunning fuckface! Even if true, what kind of asshole becomes a fan of a professional team in college, that they have no connection to, and where they don’t even stay there? You are worse than the real Masshole pieces of shit. You are not worse than Kyle

Three sides to every story. What one guy says, what the other guy says, and the truth.

Not to be an asshole, but is a good place to start.

You implied it when you said there is only semantically a difference between not concluding that Bennett is telling an accurate amount of the events and calling him a liar.

There are two kinds of people who know the truth about what happened here, based on what has been reported so far. Those with omnipotence and dumbasses. You are not omnipotent.

“I stand with Michael and I stand with the people.”