
"[Reality television] warps the minds of our children, and weakens the resolve of our allies."

Of all the great lines in the movie, that one's my favourite. The idea of The Quiet One basically MST3K-ing it up fills me with delight.

As a resident of a country ruled by an under-qualified right-wing demagogue who won a national election despite horrific past deeds, in the process beating out a centrist member of a political dynasty whose overconfidence and arrogance before the election was staggering, let me just say: India feels your pain. Hang in

Silly Little Show-biz Book Club: The Constitution 2.0

Rhett and Link work fairly clean, and most episodes involving food (the Carolina Reaper Challenge springs to mind) are gold. Some of the better physical comedy being made today.

Ah, okay. Wasn't aware of that. In most of North India, beef is tantamount to a swearword :)

Not to mention all the great South Indian meat dishes. If you can find a Chettinad, an Andhra Meals or a Coastal restaurant, go for it. A whole new world of meat-based Indian cuisine, one which quite often features beef (which is harder to find in Mughlai restaurants, from what I've seen).

Quite tame, considering the things Euros (that's right, EurOs, fuck you Mark Gatiss) got people to do.

I still maintain that The Reichenbach Fall, while excellent in and of itself, was the worst thing that happened to this show. Used up its best villain way too soon, and was pretty much a death sentence for any serious consulting-detective work.

Hey, maybe daddy Holmes was drunk when he wrote it in the birth register. People can be stubborn about these naming slip-ups. See also: Wade, Dwyane; Winfrey, Oprah.

I immediately though of Jesse Custer's "Word of God", which fit in nicely with the episode's supernatural feel.

It may just be that I'm a sentimental fool, but Watson's confession of his emotional affair to the imaginary Mary had me welling up a little. Not that I'd deny anyone a good cliffhanger, but Mary's reply to John would've been a bloody great moment to end the episode on.

I know what you mean. I used to love the first album - Down to the Waterline was my favourite song for a good long while. Today, though, it seems a little… basic to me. I don't think that's the fault of the album, though. Maybe I've just listened to it too many times (although I've listened to Communique and Making

"Single Handed Sailor", from Dire Straits' Communique. The song is walking in light rain well past midnight smoking a cigarette, condensed into five minutes. Plus it has Knopfler's best solo, which by default puts it into the best guitar solo of all time conversation.

"I man am regal, a German am I" - Bob Dylan, 2003

My sympathies - hopefully these links are of some use to you. The site specialises in products from the north-east. Friends of mine have ordered from there many times, and have been very happy with their purchases.

I wouldn't say never - heat levels vary wildly with where you happen to be. Andhra food is notorious for being spicy (in fact the whole of south India kicks the spice level up a notch or ten compared to the north), and the north-east is home to the infamous bhut jolokia chilli, which you might know as the ghost pepper.

Eh. Lorne Michaels has these inexplicable, long-lasting infatuations. I firmly believe that the Fallon curse is the universe's yin-and-yang way of righting itself after Michaels's 16 years of boosting Conan.

Also, it's a good thing they weren't going on how funny a movie is for this list, because if they were, Four Lions would have to be around 40 places higher.