Parties weren't meant to last. #RIP
Parties weren't meant to last. #RIP
Lemon Demon or GTFO.
That very interview, in all its awkward glory:…
Did anyone else think that the jury deliberation scene was very 12 Angry Men-ish? Compare the scene in the show, starting with Juror #1's statement to the rest of the jury, with these scenes from the movie:
Jesus Christ, man… no. Fuck everything to hell.
"Paul F. Tompkins, the comedian, and his wife, Janie [Haddad Tompkins], and our friend, Phil [Morrison]—we were all in this club (…)"
Heh. Not that bad - was in my least favourite city in the world for a friend's wedding. Went there voluntarily, but only barely.
As it happens, smart guy, the room was free… which meant I felt bad about complaining, more's the pity.
Speaking from experience, if you happen to wake up in a hot, oppressive, unfamiliar hotel room in a city whose language you don't speak. there's not a lot that can beat turning on the TV and finding a Jackie Chan movie about to start. Armour of God II: Operation Condor kept me sane about a year ago.
It's nothing special, believe me. Tasty enough, in a generic fast-food way, but greasy as HELL (which should go without saying, really).
I think you mean Gordon Urquhart. Not a very big name internationally, more of a local hero.
The movie itself is pleasant enough, but the soundtrack is what sets Mr. Hulot's Holiday apart, IMO. It buried itself in my mind the first time I heard it, some six years ago. I can't help but be reminded of the vacations I've taken myself whenever I hear this tune:…
Maltin On Movies is great. Vaughn is very good as the enthusiastic amateur film buff, a nice contrast to Leonard Maltin's more scholarly persona.
As long as we're talking substitutions, where the hell is Groundhog Day? It certainly qualifies. Like Knocked Up, it leans more heavily on the comedic than on the romantic, but it's a romantic comedy through and through. Maybe it's sort of the reverse of the genre ghetto - it's so transcendent that it skips the mind…
I liked him on the show, but it's a pity that Scott didn't call him out on his "schvartze" comment after the Hollywood Facts theme (that was, as we all know, sung by lily-white Andy Samberg).
Leaving aside Earwolf regulars, my 3 favourite guests on NNF are Todd Levin, John Ross Bowie and Cristela Alonzo. They seem to mesh so well with Jimmy.
…or maybe he's laughing to himself, delighted that his bitch-about-Podmass strategy worked. Either way, great ep.
Me too. Sounds like a natural extension of Superego: Forgotten Classics.
I don't agree with you, but I get where you're coming from. As much as I like him, Ben Schwartz often comes across as a little… desperate. Desperate for new songs to sing/other bits to do along with Aukerman for each new Solo Bolo, desperate to appear higher in the best-ofs each year (going so far as to leave Scott an…
I'm much rather have a GARRY MARSHALL week, because that would probably mean more Gillyyyyy…