
If you want the fucking part, earn it!

All mushrooms and no cake makes Mario a crazy man.

Here’s what Patrick Stewart will actually look like in 2024.

Now playing

They must have hired the same person who did this.

The code is broken! @atpunk01

He shares that feeling tho.

Okay, I didn’t make this, so it isn’t eligible for submission, but I thought it might help punctuate the competitive overtone here.

Real men pick Zarya.

I remember these! We use to have a place here in Chicago that was a VR arcade which also had the Mechwarrior VR pods. I spent may of hours and dollars in the Mechwarrior ones.

Well that explains this...

I think it's a hard spot for Nintendo to be in, due to the nature of his apparent suicide. It would be a simple thing to name an NPC "Robin", but at this very moment there's an aspect of the situation that strongly goes against Nintendo's family-friendly values. That's just my take, mind you.