Santanico Pandemonium

ohhh shit, thanks, I needed a good laugh after that shit-show tonight! Hardest I've laughed since the day has started, now that I think of it. Thank you.

Oh, ok. That makes more sense.

he discussed his intentions to sell his share of Diosa and buy the farm (as it were) what, four different times? Yep, I doubt he is going to make it. What a drag.

to me it looked like the top part of his hand only, including the fingers. Maybe Chucky can help him out with that, should he survive…
I think either Bobby or Juice is going to be the club member killed off next week. Better not be Tig, I want to see him ride off into the sunset with Venus Van Damme on the series

I was wondering if it might go that route too.

JESUS CHRIST glad I am not the only one who watched those scenes with Jax and Chibs. As soon as they opened the episode with Jax sitting on the roof in his new white sneakers being all pensive (and smoking, I am pretty sure, my husband blurted out, "LAME!" Then every scene between them went more or less like this, or

so did we. "You got balls, I'll give you that. Unfortunately your guys made the mistake of trying to negotiate, so say goodbye to 'em." Maybe finding those in cardboard torture porn box #2 would have made Jax's facial expression change. Oh, wait, then he'd have to actually open the box. I'm surprised the episode

Even an offhand line, like her spooning with Glenn and then getting weepy, when he asks her why she says, "I wish I'd gotten to say goodbye to Beth," and him comforting her. 45-seconds, tops. OK, I am groggy and tired and that was a shitty example of dialogue, sure they could come up with something other than what

my husband and I both blurted out, "Wup, he's gonna get killed," the second he opened his mouth and started walking towards Lucky and his crew.

Oh, I agree on the lazy writing for the landlord/apt. manager. I have to admit though that for some reason, it gave me greater satisfaction to watch Quinn snap and beat the fuck out of both of them (very suddenly and efficiently) than anything in the episode/s. I know it was supposed to indicate in a hackneyed way