Can you stop giving people grief for their feelings? It’s not helping anything.
Can you stop giving people grief for their feelings? It’s not helping anything.
This whole nonsense of telling people they’re wrong about the “fuck 2016" attitude is ridiculous. We’re allowed to hate this year, it’s been a shitty one.
Thank you for sharing this. These things look so silly and then you hear personal stories about them, and how much they meant to someone. I feel your nostalgia!
I would rather the world show these kids kindness rather than hate. I don’t want them growing up and being more monstrous than their grandpa.
You hit the nail on the head as to why this bothers me. This man is teaching his kid that it’s ok to yell at strangers like this. I don’t want this behavior normalized.
Just thought I’d leave this this tidbit. I have this device. Not as impressive as the pumice stone I get at World Market. I’ve tried everything for my dry feet (thanks Colorado dry air!). It’s just a rectangle pumice stone that says “BATH” on it. $4.99. My feet are soooo smooth after I use it!
Just thought I’d leave this this tidbit. I have this device. Not as impressive as the pumice stone I get at World…
I use Amazon’s mobile app, can you use Smile through the app?
I was suppose to be in Istanbul that same weekend as that bombing! We cancelled our trip, because we were so uncomfortable with the travel warnings.
Nope. Although since I’ve been to Germany, I’d be ok going, I’d just avoid crowds.
That was the moment I felt bad for him. He desperately needs help.
Omg you have made it, girl. I would be SO proud if Trump called me that.
Has anyone seen Kim’s Christmas tree and outdoor Christmas lights?
I know you weren’t asking me, but I was married to a Marine who had to go to Iraq. I divorced him, but stayed in touch with a lot of my marine wive friends.
Seriously, I love people like you who put these pansies in their place. And I love how Fox News watchers actually treat veterans. Their entire idea of supporting the troops was that yellow ribbon magnet you put on your car, nothing more.
I saw him when he came to my town. About 50,000 people showed up, and I was lucky enough to be at the front. I was maybe 30ft from him? I cried and cried. So awesome.
Yup. NOW it’s cool to be against the Iraq war.
What the fuck is this perfection?!?
You would think that our sisters- who have double income from marriage- would recognize that and pull their weight!! My sister never has us over for dinner because that would cost money, but we have her over! My dad doesn’t ask us to contribute to thanksgiving meals, but if she’s hosting, she asks us to chip in.
Are we related and don’t know it?! My mom and I do all the work too. I spent all yesterday evening helping my brother figure out what to get everyone. Hahaha but seriously- same thing with my BIL for thanksgiving- actually every thanksgiving- he doesn’t ever thank my dad for cooking the meal, he never compliments the…