That Working Hands, does it feel weird or like regular lotion? I love the Working Feet, but it feels weird on my hands.
That Working Hands, does it feel weird or like regular lotion? I love the Working Feet, but it feels weird on my hands.
I like your mind.
Careful! It is going to taste cheeto-y!
Dump would be good too.
Miami Herald...that was an AWESOME article.
That’s it. Going to Starbucks now and giving that name.
“Espresso for Turnip!”
One barista wrote “Turnip” on the cup.
I get what you’re saying, but these people are booing Pence for what he has done, not the views he expresses. It’s one thing to have hateful views, it’s another to pass legislation based on those views.
*embryos and fetuses are not kids.
Hey that’s me! Bottom left!
I recently saw a photo of Ronan and thought it was Sinatra.
I went to junior high and high school with Jesse Benn, so it always jolts me when I see people share his statuses/articles.
My dad too- he’s the cook. He does the grocery shopping. He cleans my parents’ room, DOES towels, it shocks me that my older sister has allowed her marriage to be where she does EVERYTHING while hubby is out playing. He’s also a condescending, self-centered jerk. My dad did not set that example for her!
Thank you. I just went to his website and wasn’t sure which office to call. Now I know!
I want to call him all the way from Colorado to thank him!
Doesn’t the senate need 60 votes to approve a judge to SC?
So, doesn’t there need to be over 60 votes in senate to give us a judge for the Supreme Court? If so, it’s likely republicans won’t be able to overturn anything if the SC stays at 8. My friend pointed out that democrats tend to compromise, so we must call our senators to let them know we don’t support anyone Trump…
My birthday is the 21st too. Going to a rally in Denver to celebrate.