
The video Kris posted made me teary eyed (more because her dad was filming it and I got all sad her dad isn’t alive).

I got my ballot yesterday. I AM SO EXCITED TO FILL IT OUT AND TURN IT IN!


I think she took notes on how Obama handled debates, and knows not to sink to her opponent’s level? It’s a smart move, but god, all the things she could throw at Trump...

Thank you for saving me the effort of getting a link and what not. I’ve been using this forever. I’m a winged eyeliner kind of gal, this makes quite a nice line, at quite a nice price!

Thank you for saving me the effort of getting a link and what not. I’ve been using this forever. I’m a winged

Whaaaat?!? Brb, looking in to this.

Oh absolutely 100%. There is no legitimate reason to passionately loathe her like so many men do.

Exactly, which is why Boulder shouldn’t take this lightly.

You must not have reading comprehension down. Unless you personally know the friends I was talking about. Which you don’t.

Fellow FB deactivator here, deactivated last week. I just can’t even with the stupid anymore.

I talked about this...

This gave me a chuckle, because that is some serious procrastination. At least you were productive!

I think this explains a majority of Trump supporters. Unfortunately, everyone I know who plans on voting for him is a well off white woman, who doesn’t have a college education (well off because their parents are rich, or they married rich, or they have a decent job). They love Trump because he is “Christian”

I’m in Ft Collins- two Trump signs, three Clinton signs. Gives me hope! Ha!

And then the United States Senate acquitted him...

Fuck thes fuckers. Never going to happen, we would REVOLT.

Best movie. “I want to be a woman. I would like you all to call me Loretta.”

I was driving through Delta recently, saw a sign at a church that said “OBAMA IS A KENYAN CRIMINAL”. So it would seem that’s how we get Gardner and Coffman? I’m just glad a majority of the state isn’t so backwards.

Exactly, because that’s what it comes down to. Benghazi and the emails are not a reason to passionately loathe her (especially because she’s not the reason Benghazi happened). Her husband cheating on her is not a reason to hate her, but rather admire her, because she chose to make her marriage work.

I really really hope they bring it back. Everyone is starting to catch on to PD. Keep your fingers crossed.