SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

I do not eat when I’m road tripping. Every minute spent in a bathroom is another mile you cannot travel that day. Keep my food and fluid intake to the minimum possible amount to avoid having to make any bathroom trips aside from quick stops whenever I’m filling up gas. It’s the little things like that that keep your

Ummmm, sales and profits are not the same thing.

Isn’t part of sales being down due to the availability of new cars being limited because of the chip shortage? 

I remember reading about the Pikes Peak race back in the 80s, Audi had a 1.6L turbo that was pushing 1200hp. Just bonkers...

1st Gear: I’m not sure why it’s a bad thing that a tax subsidy for US taxpayers, that will ultimately be financed by US taxpayers and US debt, should favor US manufacturing, or at least US businesses.

You are stuck thinking in the past when a 4 cylinder motor made no power and was saved for economy cars. Modern 4 cylinders with turbos exceed the power of yesteryears V8s. My old 4.6 Ford made like 210hp and 280 ftlb of torque.

My squarebody is fine and it was built in 86. I’ve had it since 2000

I had a 1986 Jeep Cherokee with that well known ‘bulletproof’ 4.0l engine. It was a good motor.

He has no dementia problem as he remembers things even from 36 years ago. 

79-year-old Dewey Fredrick...faces 48 years in prison

And still are 10 years later. do realize that the 0-60 time is irrelevant right? Are you going to sit at the stoplight forever, entering “ludicrous mode” (eyeroll) and wait for the battery to “condition” itself while everyone behind you honks just so you can go 0-60 in 2.2s or whatever?

But anyone who has seen one knows that they are in the very early stages where build quality is hit or miss. Exactly where Tesla was when they launched the first S.

Maybe...But it looks a little too much like a 2013 Kia Optima Hybrid.

It’s all about replacement - so long as he fathers children at a greater rate than they disown him, he is ahead

This is also what Tesla has been trying to convince you they are, without actually doing it.”

Considering the transmissions have like a nearly 100% failure rate at 75,000 miles, the fact that this has 74 and some change is, well, telling. 

He was trying to indicate that this was pretty much the last cam-in-block engine Ford had, where everything else had gone t0 OHC (Over-Head Cam). The new Godzilla 7.3 brought OHV back to Ford.

unless there’s a duffel bag with 6 grand in the trunk, this is nonsense.  Bring back the CP button...