SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

+1. To add to that, when you do find other chargers, my experience with them is that probably 75% either don’t work or charge slower than expected etc.

....we put Tesla in the same class as Porsche and Land Rover? Really?

The list also highlights that other American manufacturers should really get their act together.

It gets significantly better mileage than your Charger. 

This is ABSOLUTELY the time to buy if you’re so inclined to “need” a truck like this. A few years ago it would probably be being offered for $25k. It’s not my taste but if you tow a camper, not a bad deal.  A380 is dead. Even more so now that fuel prices are up, they’ll return to the boneyard at an even faster rate than before.

Do you actually eat two hot dogs for lunch every day?

We already do. They don’t pay road tax. They get huge government subsidies. If your tech needs THAT much encouragement, your tech sucks.

“Only” $18-20K for a used car. Read what you wrote. That is more than I paid for my brand new Honda Fit 11 years ago.

While the idea of providing free gas/diesel is ridiculous, the idea that we should use public funds to provide free BEV charging is pretty unfair. Let’s be real, the only people buying BEVs right now are relatively rich people who have a couple other ICE vehicles back home.

I mean, I’d fill up my car then let the station manager know but filling up three cars, calling in your family, posting it on Insta and having your cousin bring in a tanker seems a big egregious too me.

Gas stations just take Visa or Mastercard or Cash.

It absolutely is ok. All I’m saying is that there is no where near the level of coordination going on that needs to happen in order to meet all these goals. And regular people are going to be the ones that have to live with the mess. Governments and OEMs are all in the ready-fire-aim mode of operating and it is going

You act as if a dealer marking a car up $10,000 is worse than a corporation marking up a car $13,000 in a year, while paying their CEO more than any other CEO in the same year.

I now have a strong desire to go screen some krill for dinner.

What exactly do you think a strawman is? 

And, for what it’s worth, the current admin’s constant slighting of him remains generally counterproductive to our collective interest in an EV future.

Isn’t it a bit late on the tires? The last ones were made 19 years ago. While I realize a lot of RV tires don’t see many miles, no one should be driving on 20 year old tires. I have a car that doesn’t drive a whole lot of miles, and I usually see dry rot starting after ~5 years.

why use all these scavenging robots when there are so many unemployed jawas?

So...they’ve reinvented hydroelectric power to be more expensive and less efficient? Why not just pipe the water to the bottom where it would generate power then load it on trucks if you must deliver it unspecified?