SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

It’s much, much worse. The huge nacelles don’t generate lift in a flat attitude, but generate “MORE LIFT THAN THE WIND TUNNEL TEAM HAD EVER SEEN” in even a shallow pitch-up attitude. The extra lift isn’t the problem. The fact that it generates thousands of pounds of lift, 10 feet FORWARD of nominal Center of Lift, is

That’s Bullshit in the case of ET. Their pilot selection and training exceeds most of the US based airlines. They were one of the few majors to invest in MAX simulators while SWA, AA and UAL were half-ass’ing it.

You had to know it existed before you’d ever think to “turn it off”.

The In-The-Tank-For-Boeing (and I know a few mainline pilots) 737 drivers will get fighting mad if you point out that the REAL issue with the MAX is “aerodynamic instability”. The Boeing party line is that this ‘isn’t an issue’, but it’s very much the core problem.

Rocky you can lick my car...

And, yet, “Bison” claims to have owned TWO...

When Wheeler-Dealers did their “fix-up” on one, there were only single digits of ‘em left on the UK registry. Where they actually sold well.

Rustiest car of the 1970s? My Beta calls bullshit.

So the news here is that M/B has been gone for months and nobody missed him?

Lancia Versus AUDI was inspired work.

Watch that Lancia Versus AUDI film and say that...  The Grand Tour has been some of their best work, accomplished with an Amazon budget and without the weird politics of the BBC.


Please find me a nice 9-7x Aero. In that gorgeous blue.

Europe is all under lockdown. They’ve generally fucked this up far worse than anybody here has.  Their death rates are worse and the economic carnage is worse.

I hate to break this too you, but 4.5 million people die every year in this country— sadly, because of all the co-morbidities, 245,000 people is hardly even visible on the Death-by-Age chart. People are dying “earlier” of COVID, but if this statistic is claiming that COVID killed 245K healthy people? That’s not even

Let me see, that’s the 8000 laptop batteries your Lord and Savior Elon spec’d, right?

Fuel cost is “FREE”, during the lease duration.

yeah, that business model is a sure winner.

Yeah, in 1935.