SBA Thanks You For All The Fish

Oh, people SAY this, in apparent denial over Biden’s status as Dumbest Guy In Every Room, which he firmly established in getting tossed (almost) out of law school in the first term for plagiarism.

Exit polling says a majority of Biden voters didn’t give a damn about the 110 page Biden “platform”. They just hated Trump’s personal style.

We’ll see how “the great unifier” does...

Elon Built This, MAN! No moving parts, will run millions of miles and never need an oil change... or even any maintenance. Even the wiper blades are built out of Muskium Alloy and never need replacement.

Yeah, 71 million of ‘em.  And they all live in Appalachia.  Weird, huh?

Kinja bug.  Tell it to Kinja’s support line.

San Diego disagrees

You’re just trolling, right?

yeah, it’s damn funny that people living in cities with sewage and needles running in the streets harbor this kind of condescension.

Biden’s the first Dem since Grover Cleveland to not drag The House along with him.


Yeah, this is one of those “app things” where using the phone is of very little advantage.

Funny, that’s what they always say about the smartest kids in the class.

Perhaps not this chemistry but it’s not the only chemistry.

Purely from a thermal chemistry perspective? no. This chemistry can’t charge at those rates down at the cell level.

WTF are you talking about? UBER’s NEVER made any money.

Which is why Musk is still working with vacuum tubes?  GTFO

UBER was first... How are those massive profits working out?

Just like voter fraud...  nothing new

Oh, no doubt. We’re about to see billions of dollars spent in a single Senate race.