Shawn Spencer

My guess is because its player base is down 40%. :p

Well, the difference here is that with the XBO you had to buy a $500 box and have it sit in your home and do all that stuff when it shouldn’t need to.  This seems to be a very low entry point, no hardware, optional accessories and it’s streaming so going into it it’s always going to be connected to the internet.

It’s kind of funny how pessimistic everyone here seems to be. I’m guessing none of them actually tried out Project Stream? Because that experience changed my mind in the same way trying VR for myself did - except this is more accessible and practical than any VR application yet. Running a brand new AAA game at

Weird how so many people “just acting” in video games seem to have all picked an acting style that requires the regular use of crude racial stereotypes of the sort that would be considered offensive if used in any other context. Almost as though the RP is an excuse to get away with doing and saying racist things that


Ok Edgey McEdgerton


“One challenges players to play for at least an hour on 100 different days and give 20 resources to in-game allied forces at control point locations each time. Another rewards players if they play the game 14 days per month for 12 months, another for playing for at least an hour 30 days in a row. A Commendation called

Whoever was in charge of creating this DLC was a pack of jackasses. All this pain they caused us gay gamers just to make Kassandra related to Aya. Aya! She wasn’t even the lead of her own game! And her child’s death was the motivating plot of Origins so we KNOW that Kassandra’s bloodline died with her! So much grief

It’s also worth noting that you can actually affect a lot of the acts, and even interact with several of them if you sit on the main floor.

Now playing

My favorite is the hello song. When it started, I was like , wait this is the singing toad song is it? Then the chorus starts and it hits you. It’s amazing!

You forgot Mutant League Football! It let you kill the umpire!


How nice of him to give back to society after profiting off microtransaction addicts for so long! Such a nice guy!

Yeah, believe it or not, some people don’t have 50+ hours to dedicate to a game. 

So, if the core mechanics aren’t really engaging, it’s not really going to help the rest of the game. You wind up with so many things to do, and a lot of it feels like busy work.


So many video games are disappointing nowadays. Everything has to have an open world with “so much to do!” it leads to too much complication, too many tutorials. So much time is spent on development making all of these systems, but they’re all somewhat janky because you can’t focus on making everything great, so being

AC always shortchanges the story. It’s maddening because I see so much potential there.