Shawn Spencer

Uh, it’s a mod. Do you seriously think a 5 year old game that’s being imported by one man is going to be better than a multi million dollar game that’s being worked on by hundreds of people at Rockstar?

Lol flak from the modding community? Thanks for the laugh. They have every right to shut this project down. Importing assets from another game and providing it for free is not legal, summer child. Jesus, what world do you live in? Stop being an entitled brat.

Jackie Chan

What a child

Gryphman has got you there, Best. I think it’s funny when people don’t think others should profit off their work. Then again, nothing you write surprises me. I’ve been on this site for over a decade and every time an article like this is posted, you’re there to peddle your self-righteous BS.

I must be one of the few who did not enjoy Spec Ops The Line’s story. Everything is just way too heavy handed for my liking. It’s essentially poor man’s version of Apocalypse Now.

They were known in the 90s, but they definitely didn’t enjoy the success they had in the 2000s till Drexler was brought in to rejuvenate their failing business. Around that time GAP was also in limbo cause the essentials aesthetic was either dead or dying. Sorry if I sounded like a know it all btw, working 8 years in

And why do you “personally” despise the PS4? Did it call your mother ugly?

Still plan on picking up the PS4 pro cause to be frank I’m rather sick of XBone’s testosterone filled exclusives.

God, that shitty mentality of “oh hey, I’m providing free advertising, so I should be able to use your stuff however I see fit,” as if you’re not profiting from this at all or something. What a bunch of entitled brats. You know what people do when they want to use someone else’s material, be it music or footage, when

You have too much time in your life, kid

“I refuse to promote a brand that can not recognize a fundamental evolution in the way video games are consumed and enjoyed .”

What an irresponsible tosser

I was afraid that Angry Joke would be mentioned in the article. Phew

Yes they were about the basics then, but they were doing terribly. Then Mickey Drexler came in and helped introduced the hip & preppy with a twist aesthetic you see today, which rejuvenated the company. That was when they first blew up. Sorry, can you tell that I used to work for them? Lol

Reading these comments about how they focused too much on being hip gave me a headache. The reason they’re faltering isn’t because they were trying to be hip, that’s the reason they were successful in the first place, it’s because they were churning out the same things for the last 4 years. I mean how many times am I

Or electing them to office

Thanks for the laugh

What an embarrassment

I’d rather play the aforementioned 32 Gandalfs vs 32 Balrogs game