Grey Harper

:) i'm a critic (for Canadian newspaper) so it's my job to watch and rewatch!

Sex in this episode was used SO masterfully with parallels galore. Versus 2x1 and 5x5 when Peter seduced Alicia because *he* was turned on by her professional success, 7x7 sees Alicia saying there's "nothing better than a good cross," then seducing whoever happens to be available (Peter). Also, because she had just

Yeah that's all true- I just meant that I think anything that reflects badly on P reflects badly on A (like Reese Dipple comparing the Florrick name to Blageovich…) and that even a second hand scandal would still put her back in a place of spotlight and scrutiny even if not for her own wrongdoings… I'm very curious to

That's a good point - but wouldn't it also destroy Alicia (at least emotionally) to be involved in yet *another* scandal because of Peter? To have her name and her career dragged back through the mud? Eli can be noble in his save Saint Alicia intentions but I don't see how he can do that. Unless she makes him leave

Oh I see so it wasn't just that Peter didn't fight harder for her, it was that he actively screwed her over to protect himself after he set it up?

Haha I hear ya - thanks for the info!

:) I think I don't like what he brings to the show in the form of slapstick comedy - I've been missing the emotional intimacy this season, and I could do with more nuanced writing and less marbles in shoes and low-hanging comedy. Likewise with Eli, he's veered a little close to pantomime villain for comedic value this


but didn't The Wrong People (lol, btw!) find out about it because Peter expressly encouraged Alicia to keep fighting the DNC?

Peter rigged the election and then hung her out to dry - can someone explain this to me? He and Landau set it up so that Alicia could win, and then what happened? Landau changed his mind and Peter had to sort of agree?!