
I don't think having a white actress portray Janet Jackson is a good idea. I could elaborate, but I think the reasons for that are obvious.

great observations.

"Media’s shallow impersonation is part of what makes Mr. World’s overture to Wednesday fall flat."

I actually liked this episode more than My Struggle except for the very big problem of Mulder and Scully having one friggin scene together. I mean seriously?
I didn't get Reyes suddenly becoming a turncoat. She was better than that. It would have made more sense if she'd agreed to it to protect William. But to save her

I was really hoping they'd recreate that Rolling Stone cover. Either the same way or in jammies reading the paper totally ignoring each other like a cliche old married couple.

I've seen My Struggle. The problem is not he has to spend the entire episode explaining the plot to new viewers. That's done in the first minute. The problem is it's choppy, It looks like they cut entire scenes from it, the dialogue is typical Carter dialogue and the resolution is convenient. The UFO crash sequence

I'll give you that, but he's gotten more on the air than Carter which means at least his ideas are better. Carter hasn't had more than a pilot and it didn't get picked up.
And except for a few missteps, G. Morgan's track record on X-Files when paired with Wong (who's had a pretty good track record on his own) is pretty

He said he had a script for a third movie sitting in his desk so he has been working on The X-Files. He had other writers on board. He didn't have to go it alone.

Aw… Space: Above and Beyond. That was good show. :-(

A nonsensical monologue.
Chris? Is that you?

In Carter's world it's a fresh concept that's never been done before. Except in the original series.
Shhh. Don't tell him. He doesn't even remember that Mulder and Scully had relations.

I was being facetious, but I'd hope quality would matter. Especially if they continue on and if they continue on with more than six episodes.

How many reviews pointing out Carter episodes are crap and Morgan and Wong episodes are brilliant does FOX need before they offer Carter an executive producer title and make the Morgans and Wong show runners?

I believe they were going to bring the character back, but she was so hated by fans they nixed the idea.
Apparently though Duchovny was too good a friend to Mimi for that to happen again.

I never got the point to her character.
The whole plot made Scully (that strong female character that everyone give Carter credit for) seem sad and heartbroken, but it was worse for Mulder's character. He was shown to not be the partner and friend to Scully that we all thought he was.
I've never felt the same about

I hated the entire Fowley story arc. I'm pissed just knowing you took time to bring her up.

Good for him. Great actor. I still have hope for Hannibal season 4. If Gillian Anderson can shoot Hannibal, The X-Files revival and The Fall in the span of 365 days, there's no reason Dancy can't be involved in more than one series at a time.
If nothing else, hopefully we'll see the entire cast in some capacity in

Also Skip
Season 1: Shadows, Space, Fire.
Season 2 : 3. (Also of note is Irresistible. Pretty much the only X-Files episode that has no X-File, a precursor to serial killer TV, it's the first episode to revisit how Scully is dealing with her abduction and it has the most disturbing killer in the history of TV imo.)

And Russell Crowe.
But absolutely no Bruce Willis.