I took it mean housing an feeding him on a permanent basis.
I took it mean housing an feeding him on a permanent basis.
No, society will be contributing to him in the form of a bed and meals. His entertainment provided by the rest of those“the no longer contributing to society” will be free.
Wow! You are way into porn. Perhaps its time to back away from the computer and go upstairs and get something to eat :)
Most Cops had no idea what wee smelled like. I will leave it there.
Yeah and she’s still hot. Or is it just me getting older? I don’t know. Oh what were we talking about? Hold on a second I need to take a pill.
Or push them over like cow tipping.
You got one of these to sell cheap? I’m all in. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Someone else here is suggesting a Chevy Citation as their dream car. To me that car should be crushed, shipped to China made into washer & dryers and re imported.
Correct. I have one of these in my garage and it’s sort of like an alcoholic sitting in a bar. You need to fight the urges. Some don’t fight it as well as others.
Those crazy Indians. Always getting in the way when we are trying to do something great like make a resort.
Looks like a parking meter.
Looks like you killed the car.
I love this! Good work with the PVC pipe. Should have plumbed in a toilet in the back seat while you were t it -because like ya never know.
Moved away some time now from anywhere near a Menards. Sure miss them. Still can’t get their jingle out of my head. Now that’s brainwashing.
“Go with it. No one reads the small print” - Ford advertising department.
What does that exactly mean? Better than the standard interior that has all the style and charisma of the benches at the county jail?
11. Pass it to me and don’t Bogart it.
I’m sure they are made of some secrete indestructible material so my idea of just shooting the tires out won’t work at all.
Fell out of my chair laughing,
Agreed. Wrap a turd around a nice engine and the package comes out as a complete turd. This thing is only good for stoplight racing. Doesn’t make a good ride around town, DD, track car or a head turner. Tits on a bull.
Shabby chic!